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the time had finally came around for jisung to arrive and jeongin was beyond exited. the boy looked at himself in the mirror for a final time and stroked away the kinks in his shirt, anxiously waiting for jisung. although there was nothing to be scared of the younger had over thought things and made the night seem like a nightmare. he heard a knock which made him jump but take a deep breath before getting the door.

"ah our jeongin looking handsome as always~" jisung said in a charming voice making jeongin gulp, "likewise hyung!" he chirped and showed a half smile. "jeongin get back home sober bitch! and bring me ramen!" a sleepy felix shouted from the room across making jeongin feel embarrassed because of his friend. "s-shut up lix!" he shouted back, "i'm sorry about him..."

after checking both of their appearances once again jisung guided jeongin out and took him to his car. "let's get going shall we." jisung said on the way earning a nod from the other. jeongin hated his mind and where it wondered off to. why on earth was he thinking about hyunjin. sure the male was hot but he was mean and horrible.... right? but his timing was completely off.

jeongin let out an audible sigh which made his friend turn his head, "what's wrong innie? did you not want to come with me?" the older spoke in a saddened tone which made the sweet boy feel guilty. "n-no! i'm just thinking about someone else..." he admitted with a sigh, causing jisung to do the same. "i'm here taking you as my date and you're thinking of another guy.. owch." jisung knew how to make the younger feel bad and it was working a treat.

"jisung! i thought we were going as friends- i! i'm sorry..." jeongin mumbled and lowered his head knowing that the night ahead was going to be a looong~ night.

the fundraiser had been going on for around an hour or two and jeongin was struggling to resist the alcohol, but swatting away a drunk jisungs hands was way worse. "hyung,, go find someone else for the night i'm not in the mood." jeongin said rather defeated and picked up another cocktail. he was drinking light(er) at least.

jeongin had felt uncomfortable all night but he wasn't sure why, he had felt eyes on him the whole time - maybe it was just him being stupid but it sure as hell felt so real. 'why am i wanting it to be him..' he thought, a certain shoulder lengthed brunette popping into his head.

his boss was no where to be seen and that frustrated him for some odd reason, he hated that his mind thought about such a perverted man. but who could blame him? jeongin had his needs too and hyunjin would be there for him whenever he wanted, he felt so much power but with power came consequences - those consequences was his heart being shattered into millions of pieces.

the night had only gotten slower and it seemed like jeongins only job all night was to babysit jisung as no one else cared to do it. as jisung soberness shrunk his sexual drive grew. "jeongin come on just kiss me." the older slurred, pressing his body onto jeongins small one. "h-hey stop!" he pushed him off only to get jisung crawling back again. their faces were centimetres apart and jeongin was considering a small peck just so jisung could leave him the fuck alone.

"are you trying to make me jealous. i hate watching you with him all night." hyunjin growled, appearing out of no where and separating the boys. "h-hyunjin! you finally came for me!" jisung squealed and went to kiss the model only to be rejected. "you smell of alcohol, jeongin let's go." hyunjin looked at the younger, his eyes lit up once his name was mentioned and he happily followed hyunjin - completely forgetting about his angry 'friend'.

'why am i following him like a puppy!' jeongin thought pulling him into a halt. "wait- where are we going! i don't want to see you, i'm still mad!" jeongin crossed his arms which only made the already frustrated hyunjin more annoyed. "i said let's go. keep walking." hyunjin words felt pushy and that didn't sit right with jeongin. "who are you to boss me about! i mean sure you technically are my boss but right now you're just hyunjin and i'm just jeongin. talk to me like a normal person and maybe i would listen!" jeongin protested and hyunjin only frowned.

"you sound like a toddler who can't get their own way." the older walked closer to jeongin and put his hand around the smallers wrist, tugging gently. "i'll explain in the car, come with me. you're only making my temper grow."

jeongin chucked a little and looked up at the pretty boy in front of him, straightening the others tie and looking him up into the eyes. "you're calling me a child but getting mad because i'm not following you. you're the child" jeongin smiled playfully, and hyunjin had had enough of his games.

"fine then, let's do this my way." hyunjin whispered lowly into the boys ear and swiftly picked him up into his arms, carrying him bridal style up until they reached the car. jeongin tried to fight back but his strength couldn't reach the olders and his whines were simply ignored.

"hyunjin you bastard."

is jeongin finally going
to let hyunjin in, or will he
keep rejecting him? anyway
i thought it would be cute to
put jeongins outfit at the top
and i'll do hyunjin in the next
chapter <3 i'll post tomorrow
night as i haven't posted in a
few days :)

- rin ᵕ̈

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