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goodbye. did jeongin really say goodbye... already? hyunjin stayed in a fixed position and heard the front door click. once jeongin was gone hyunjin felt that same anger rush through his body that he had before, "FUCK!" he screamed and punched the wall closest to him, leaving a small dent and grazed his knuckles. he sighed and sat on the edge of his bed with his face in his hands. he couldn't let jeongin slip away when he had barely had a taste of him. he felt so different to the rest, yet he knew the younger was ... scared of him? "what have i done." he groaned stupidly as if he didn't just scream in the poor boys face a few minutes earlier.

hyunjin couldn't sit in his own thoughts all day and knew he had to get out, he needed any kind of distraction to thinking about jeongin. but it was no use. how could someone just leave him like that, after the night they had - hyunjin was beyond confused. he wasn't sure how jeongin could beg for him then wake up repulsed. jeongin acted as if hyunjin made him physically sick and that made him feel like shit. the guy he longed for thought he was scum. but hyunjin couldn't do it, he couldn't be with jeongin as he knew he'd fall for the boy. jeongin made his heart flutter and he didn't like that, he hated that he couldn't stop thinking about him. "hyunjin no feeling. don't get feeling." he told himself with a groan, things would only end up the way it once was with jisung.

but he had to see him.

hyunjin got up and changed into simple clothes, just plain black jeans and a hoodie before rushing out of the house. he drove to jeongins apartment and sat there for a while, considering his options and wether it was a stupid idea to try and talk to the younger. but he couldn't help it, he was drawn to him. hyunjin got out of his car and walked to jeongins apartment, slowly, deep in his own thought. he couldn't understand why he wanted jeongin so much, but he wasn't going to give up either, not until the boy made it clear he never wanted to see him again.

he knocked a waited for a while to see another boy open the door, one he wasn't familiar with. "uh hi?" the boy raised his brow not knowing who hyunjin was. "can i speak to jeongin, i'm his.... boss." he said without thinking and the other let him in and lead him to jeongins room. the boy was curled up in his sheets and lay in silence, he looked so sad. "what are you doing here?" the blonde gulped seeing the older in his doorway and felix left, not wanting to interfere. "i just want to talk..." hyunjin spoke softly and shut the door behind him, watching as the other sat up right on his bed.

"i thought we had finished that conversation... i've got nothing to say to you hyunjin." jeongin said emotionless causing a sigh to leave the olders plump lips. "well i haven't finished- and i'm sorry you know, i didn't mean you scare you, or hurt you i just... let me explain." he started and jeongin moved up a little, allowing hyunjin to sit beside him, he didn't really want to be in the presence of the older but something inside him told him he wanted to. he knew deep down he longed for him.

"it's just the way you said it was a mistake reminded me of a time in my past, i know i can't blame it on that but i get angry and lash out a lot. it was never my intention to make you scared baby-" he stopped at the pet name slipping out, jeongin flushing pink a little. "i-i'm fine so don't worry about me. but why are you here hyunjin. i know your not here to apologise." jeongin said with a sigh and hyunjin looked up at him, staring into his eyes.

"i made a promise to myself that you'd be mine, and i'm not giving up until you hate me." the brunette said making jeongin look away shyly, he felt butterflies in his stomach from the olders words. it sounded like hyunjin wasnt just trying to play him, but how could he trust him? "what if i do hate you." jeongin gulped and hyunjin softly cupped the boys face, making jeongin look at him.

"look me in the eyes and tell me you don't want me, tell me you hate me. if so, i'll leave and won't bother you again." hyunjin knew it was a gamble but the possibility that jeongin wanted him back was still there. the younger only looked back at him in shock, he couldn't decide what to pick - he knew what he wanted but he didn't know if that was true right choice. "i don't want you to leave me alone. stay..." the blondes voice was quiet, as he was still unsure of the words himself. he placed his hand over hyunjins and half smiled.

"just promise me one thing jinnie... promise you won't hurt me." jeongin gulped a little, he was only scared of hyunjin because he was scared of being hurt. "i could never hurt you princess." and with that their lips connected, the kiss wasn't rushed like their ones before. it was soft and passionate. they held so much chemistry.

ok so this is only a short
chapter but omg 1k reads
and we're first on the
hyunin tag !!! thanks guys
ily <33

- rin ᵕ̈

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