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*tw : heavy smut

hyunjin slid open the car door, which jeongin noticed wasn't exactly a normal car, but a limousine. the older placed jeongin down abruptly causing a small whine to leave his lips, "hey-" the boy stopped talking once hyunjin creeped closer to him randomly, their chests pressed together for what seemed like forever but hyunjin was simply putting jeongins seat belt on. 'what a tease' jeongin thought.

"w-why am i here!" jeongin blurted out and the model only smiled at him, a finger tracing his jaw and turning his head to look at him. hyunjins smile turned to a smirk, licking his lips ever so slightly. "because i crave you jeongin. i cant act like i don't want you anymore." he said simply, resting a hand on jeongins thigh.

"b-but- im still mad at you! take me home i don't want to talk to you..." the boy mumbled the last part but still loud enough for hyunjin to hear. hyunjin squeezed the boys thighs and rubbed the spot he held, looking back up at the youngers face. "why baby. you're only mad because you won't admit that you want me too." the brunette relaxed in his seat a little more and jeongin only stared with greedy eyes.

he was trying so hard to fight his stupid thoughts but he could help but get turned on. hyunjins hand was dangerously close to his crotch and even the way hyunjin sat fed into his thoughts. "i-" he let out a sigh and looked down feeling embarrassed, "i don't want to get hurt. mentally and physically." the blonde uttered, feeling a little insecure at his words but he needed to be up front.

hyunjin lifted the boys chin to look at him and smiled softly. "i couldn't hurt you jeongin. that's a promise." the older said and that made jeongin loosen up a lot more. all he ever wanted was to be reassured and told he was going to be kept safe.

"kiss me." the blonde blurted out. the moment felt perfect and hyunjins gaze was only turning him on more and more. the older leaned in and stared slowly, their kiss being gentle and soft. it felt magical to jeongin. but it soon got heated as lust took over their minds, battling of tongues, the biting of lips - the tempo had definitely changed but neither minded.

hyunjin burst open the front door, pushing it open with both his and jeongins body. it got slammed behind by hyunjins foot and he quickly hurried to his bedroom. the way there was messy and they bumped into lots but what could you expect when jeongin was up on hyunjin, his legs wrapped against his waist as they held the most heated make out.

the kiss was broken by jeongin being thrown onto the bed, a whimper leaving his plumped up lips from the loss of action. "why did i wait so long..." hyunjin groaned as he climbed ontop of the younger, attacking his neck in sloppy kisses. "it's only been a month jinnie-ah~" jeongin called softly making hyunjins slightly more innocent kisses turn to devilish love bites at the sound of jeongins pretty voice saying his name.

jeongin rolled his head to the side and let out a rather sinful moan, hyunjin thought, once that certain spot had been located on his neck. "you sound so pretty when you moan princess." hyunjin whispered in his ear and nibbled onto his lobe, resulting in little squirms from jeongin.

hyunjin loved how jeongin reacted to ever little thing he did, it made him feel so powerful. the younger was so sensitive and it was beautiful. every rough kiss, hickey or touch left on him resulted in some kind of noise - he couldn't wait to hear the noises once hyunjin entered him.

the older sat up and took off everything he was wearing on the top half and stared down at jeongin, making the boy feel nervous. "w-what.." the blonde mumbled and looked away, the half naked hyunjin wasn't any help in masking how nervous he was. "look at me." hyunjin said simply and undid the youngers shirt buttons.

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