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"jinnieee! can i look yet?!" jeongin asked whilst whining a little, hyunjins hands covering his eyes as they walked over to the spot the older had prepared for them. as jeongin was busy getting ready that day, hyunjin was out with his sister preparing a place for their date. they settled on a park that was ontop of a hill, looking over seoul - he knew that would look beautiful in the night.

"so impatient." hyunjin whispered in his ear making the blonde shiver a little and gulp, "but yes you can, i hope you like this...." the older said with a smile and took his hands off of jeongins eyes. the younger gasped at the sight and felt tears form in his eyes. it was incredible.. and hyunjin did this just for him.

there was a picnic bench with various different foods on, drinks and all. he saw some of his favourites on there which he had only mentioned once or twice to the older yet he had remembered. there were candles and a blanket lay down with pillows - probably so they could watch the starts once it was darker.

"hyunjin- i-..." the boy was speechless. he had never mentioned to hyunjin before what his idea of a perfect date was before yet the male had provided him with exactly what he wanted. "this is... perfect." jeongin added with a smile and turned to hug hyunjin tightly, who wrapped his strong arms around the youngers dainty little waist.

"there's something else, look." the brunette said and jeongin looked up at him with a surprised expression, how could he possibly of done more than this? jeongin looked back, still clinging onto the older and watched as all of a sudden hundreds of fairy lights flickered on, surrounding the area. a girl popped out, someone that jeongin recognised as hyunjins sister.

"hi jeongin, nice to meet you i know my brother can be a pain sometimes but he's never done anything like this for someone so please give him a chance for you to let him in. he doesn't have many friends and doesn't warm to people, he's only close with me really and no one knows him like i do and i know is that you're the most important person to him right now... anyway enjoy you're date!" yeji said making jeongin look up at hyunjin, who had an embarrassed expression on his face, the younger chuckled and pecked his cheek. he was about to reply until hyunjin cut him off.

"okok... yeji you can shut up now." hyunjin chuckled a little and his sister rolled her eyes. "thanks for helping me thought." he mumbled, hating to say anything nice to the younger girl but he did love her, and it was true she was the only person he trusted. her and his friend changbin - but ever since he got a boyfriend they never really spoke, he didn't even know who the said boyfriend was... but that wasn't the point.

"i'll be going then, call me when you're done because i know you'll both be drunk. and jeongin, come round for food one day at our family house, ill be waiting to hear from hyunjin that you are." yeji said with a smiled before leaving, both the boys biding bye to her as she left.

as soon as they were alone jeongin let all his emotions out and ended up having tears stream down his face. hyunjin was slightly confused and made the boy look up at him wiping away his tears a best as he could without ruining the youngers makeup.

"what's wrong baby? is this too much? is this too overwhelming?" hyunjin asked whilst cupping the boys cheeks who replied by shaking his head 'no' slightly. he sniffled and began to talk, "this is just so amazing jinnie, no ones ever done anything like this for me before." he said and hyunjin sighed a little out of relief and hugged him tightly, kissing the top of his head lots.

"let's go sit down, ok." hyunjin said softly and broke their embrace to lead the younger over to the table where they sat opposite eachother. hyunjin noticed the boy shivering a little, as he chose to look good over comfort which hyunjin knew was a given as jeongin always dressed nice, so he brought a jacket for the younger. he reached over the table and put the jacket over the boys shoulders making him smile a little and mouth a small 'thank you.'

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