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"fuck, jinnie-ah~"

the words circled around the room in a high pitch moan before the blonde had collapsed onto the olders body, his legs still twitching and him being lay in both their messes but jeongin didn't care. he felt too weak and overstimulated to care if he was covered in his own cum as he knew hyunjin would clean him up later.

"you did so well baby, i'm proud of you." hyunjin praised, kissing alongside the smallers neck and massaged his ass cheek with his right hand, the other stroking his hair. even though jeongin was basically passed out on top of hyunjin he still managed to smile at his words, loving to hear that praise that he had waited a long time for.

their night consisted of hyunjin letting his anger out with each thrust, feeling like jeongin was getting ripped in half every time but it hurt so good. the way he made the blonde withstand more and more rounds, the only way he would stop was until he could tell jeongin was physically incapable of receiving the brunettes harsh thrusts. his body felt fragile and sore, his nipples being overly red and his ass having hand marks from the harsh slaps. jeongin couldn't help but love how it felt.

jeongin had always sex quite vanilla but the older made his sex life become so fun, he felt so naughty but in a good way. he loved the way his skin would sting from how harshly he was pulled, grabbed or hit. in any other circumstances jeongin would hate the pain but something about hyunjin slapping his sides when he did something wrong turned him crazy each time. he was slowly becoming in love with hyunjins ways.

"let's clean you up princess, we can shower tomorrow when you're feeling better." hyunjin said tenderly, picking up the tired and worn out boy and taking him to the bathroom. he placed him down on the counter top and got a hand towel, running it under the water before wiping down the smallers body, taking off any of their messes.

"ah- careful i'm sensitive." jeongin whimpered once hyunjin started to wipe down his cock, probably as he felt so overstimulated it hurt to feel good anymore, his body had began to sting from the pleasure. "sorry baby." the older said pecking his cheek and cleaned him up with a lighter hand.

once hyunjin had finished he cleaned himself up and looked at the boy in front, smiling softly at his beautiful state. "you're all mine, all of you." he mumbled, stepping closer to place his lips onto jeongins, the boy only kissed back lazily as he was struggling to keep his eyes open so kissing back was nearly impossible.

he was soon carried back to the bedroom, being plopped down on the coach rather then the bed as it was slightly - no - very messy. a mix of oils, lube and cum soaked into the sheets making hyunjin feel grossed out at this part, he hated cleaning up. he stripped the sheets first and quickly put fresh ones on, leaving the dirty ones in the wash.

the brunette finally got some clothes for the both of them, not wanting the two to fall asleep completely naked as he could never be close to jeongin completely naked and not do anything, he felt like he had to praise the boy every time he saw that beautiful body of his.

"these slim arms, defined collar bones, small frame, tiny waist..." hyunjin whispered to jeongin, slipping on an oversized t-shirt onto his body, admiring every inch of him as he did so. "slender legs, smooth skin, thick thighs, perky ass..." he added once he pulled up a pair of boxers on for him, this time kissing up his leg as he slid on his underwear.

"you're so fucking perfect." hyunjin stood up, smiling at the pretty boy and putting on his own boxers before carrying jeongin back into bed and snuggling into him tightly. hyunjin obviously being the big spoon. "i want you all to myself.."

"make me yours, please." jeongin whispered, not caring anymore about how scared he was about relationship because with hyunjin, he wasn't scared of anything - his only concern with hyunjin was the older getting bored of him as his biggest fear was being neglected of attention.

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