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after helping hyunjin with what he needed for the rest of the day, jeongin had made sure to go grocery shopping and clean every inch of the apartment too - hating the gross state hyunjin had left it in before his accident. that was always his job before they parted, hyunjin cooked and jeongin cleaned... like some kind of team effort.

the blonde was never a good cook and hyunjin wasn't exactly in good shape to be able to be in the kitchen on his feet for a while. they both decided on ordering pizza as neither of them were too hungry for a full meal, a slight bit of bickering on ordering what toppings but finally coming to an agreement.

"you're so annoying jinnie. don't test me or i'll just kick your cast and that will soon shut you up." jeongin said immaturely whilst in a jokey tone, sticking his tongue out at the older who fake gasped, pretending to be upset. "oh jeongin, how could you say such a thing to someone so ill." hyunjin swooned dramatically, a hand flying over his head for more effect.

"drama llama jinnie!" jeongin teased, plopping down on the couch beside the brunette and then placed his head on his shoulder. the two had already became comfortable again, all though to jeongins disappointment, in a more friendly way. jeongin had came to realisation that if he stayed being there for hyunjin and expressed his love for him, he was most likely to fall back in love with him. but if he didn't give him anytime it wouldn't work out, so he made sure to let hyunjin decide on his own.

"pretty little fox." hyunjin whispered back, making the younger chuckle softly at what he had said. the two had been teasing each other back and forth yet hyunjin just went back to being all cute again. "are you flirting with me mr. hwang?" jeongin said cutely, popping his head up to look into the olders eyes which were now being rolled.

"do i have to take back the complement? flat fox?" hyunjin said with a raised brow, making the once laughing jeongin have a blank face. thinking, 'how dare this bitch call me flat'. "babe, weren't you the one drooling over my ass not too long ago... ah that's right." jeongin replied with a teasing wink, moving his face closer to hyunjins to make eye contact - yet it just left them with heavy sexual tension.

the way jeongin craved hyunjin, missing those plump lips on his lips and everywhere else on his boys... how those slender fingers graze his skin and hold on tightly to him. as for hyunjin, although he wasn't sure completely on what he wanted just yet, jeongin could be a complete stranger and technically was but he felt so bonded to him that it made him want to smash his lips on the others. hyunjin had lost a lot of memories, but he didn't loose his personality so nothing was stopping him from being constantly horny - especially when someone as beautiful as jeongin was around.

hyunjin gulped a little, a hand reaching to cup the youngers face as he contemplated whether kissing him was a good or bad idea. his brain screamed no as he needed time but the bulge in his pants was saying the opposite - and it was becoming visible to jeongin too. the blonde leaned in ever so slightly, scared to make it go too fast but he knew what he wanted and that was hyunjin. yet, he knew that he couldn't be selfish anymore, the hyunjin in front of him wasn't the one he knew last month. he was someone different. someone he couldn't just fuck whenever he wanted to.

looking down at the print of hyunjins bulge in his joggers felt impossible to miss, maybe because he was huge in size or the grey brought it out... either way, jeongin knew he missed his cock. so, so, so much. the way his body was so used to the length it fit straight in him, feeling amazing each time. "jinnie we can't do this now." jeongin whispered, so quietly he wished hyunjin couldn't hear him but unfortunately he did.

"what's wrong?" hyunjin hummed - sure he knew what jeongin meant but he needed to hear it in words. he was you're average young adult in their early twenty's, all he wanted was sex, sex and sex so to be turned down felt like a kick in the teeth, yet he knew the circumstances were a lot different. he knew they should wait, wait until he had gained the same feelings he used to have back and fucking jeongin whilst he didn't love him back was cruel. and anyway, he wasn't exactly able to manoeuvre the way he's used to.

"i want you to at least like me back before we doing anything jinni, and anyway... you're not healed enough to even cook let alone fuck me." jeongin said whilst pulling back a little, a small frown forming on his lips as he craved hyunjin more than anything else. would it be so bad if they did one tiny thing?

"ok. i'll wai-" hyunjin started, soon being cut of by jeongin - a jeongin who was rather fixated on one thing by now; his teeth chewing on his lower lip and his eyes half lidded. maybe it was jeongin having no self control or even the fact he was just so touch deprived to make him say ...

"it wouldn't hurt to touch you a little...right?"


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- rin <3

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