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maybe they shouldn't. maybe after everything that had happened they needed to wait - but the twos love language being so physical it was hard for them to not crave eachother, even hyunjin craved jeongin and he still barely remembered him. it was just instinct. no matter what went on, good or bad, the two boys always found their ways back to one another; that probably would never change.

"i don't mind innie, don't do it if you don't want to." hyunjin hummed, stroking jeongins hair and smiling softly. the older always found a way to ease jeongin, to make him feel comfortable and want to be around him all the time. jeongin had just grown so attached to hyunjin that if he uttered the most basic amount of comfort, he would instantly feel ok again. hyunjin was his saviour.

"i miss touching you... i- i need you jinnie... but is this ok? you barely know me, i know why i want you but... why do you want me?" jeongin said softly as he looked up at hyunjin with a slight glint in his eyes. he knew why he was so eager for sex, i mean, he hadn't slept with anyone for almost three months and he knew how well hyunjin was in bed - especially down to their chemistry... but he couldn't quite understand why hyunjin wanted it so bad.

hyunjin had not long been discharged from hospital and his memory left in shattered pieces, yet he wanted jeongin to help him out. although jeongin wouldn't say no, he just felt unsure as he was the one who was in love and hyunjin barely knows anything about him.

"because it feels right. everything with you feels right. i trust myself enough to know that i want you, i know i used to love you so i'm just trying to see what made me so in love." hyunjin replied, his hand trailing up to cup jeongins face, wanting to kiss him so badly it hurt. the way his lips were slightly puckered and the prettiest shade of pink - it made hyunjin imagine where else those lips could be around...

"kiss me."

jeongins voice was desperate, almost like he was dying for one kiss. he knew how intoxicating hyunjins lips were, how soft and plump they were yet gave him the sloppiest and harshest kisses (which were his favourite.) hyunjin smiled slightly and leaned in closer, a hand on jeongins face to pull him in too. the kiss was short and sweet, only a soft peck, but as soon as they pulled away and looked at one another again they realised how needy they were.

"get on princess." hyunjin whispered, tapping on his lap for jeongin to sit down on before connecting their lips for a slightly less innocent kiss that was more or less just a make out. jeongin sat himself up onto hyunjins lap - straddling him with his legs either side, trying to not hurt him - he made sure to never pull away from the older and smirked slightly at the constant growing of hyunjin beneath him.

jeongin rolled his hips down slightly to create friction, making hyunjin let out a breathy moan into their kiss. their touches got needy too - hands flying everywhere to grasp hold of eachothers body; hyunjin firmly gripping on jeongins waist with one hand and the other resting on jeongins thighs as he wasn't able to grasp onto anything just yet from it being broken. jeongin on the other hand was the one more eager as he was more capable of moving, his hips slight swaying and his hands placed on hyunjins chest, feeling on his abs occasionally.

the older pulled away first, smirking at the string of saliva still connecting their lips and jeongins bruised ones. "you're the sensitive type aren't you?" hyunjin hummed, a thumb grazing over jeongins lower lip as he stared at how plump and swollen they had gotten from not even five minutes of making out, hyunjin could just tell he was sensitive if already he was looking a mess.

"i am..."

"are you loud?" hyunjin added, a smirk creeping on his face once he saw the youngers reaction. jeongin at first didn't respond, only blushing pink and nodded his head a little.

"i am..."

"get off then baby, let me go get something and i'll be back." hyunjin said and got up to go walk to their bedroom, slightly limping a bit which made jeongin chuckle to himself slightly. although to anyone else, right now hyunjin probably didn't look the most attractive with his cast on one leg and bandages on his arm but jeongin didn't care, in fact, he loved him too much to care about such stupid things.

after not too long hyunjin came back with two things in his hand - lube and a vibrator. he sat down and placed the objects beside him, leaning over to kiss jeongin neck, leaving a few hickeys and marks over his skin. "i know i'm not really capable of fucking you yet, and i don't want to do bad so.. i remembered what you said about me buying toys and thought maybe it would be better to use this on you instead..." hyunjin said softly, a slight awkward smile appearing on his lips once he spoke.

"i'd like that, jinnie." jeongin replied, pecking the boys lips and pulling away to look him back in the eyes. as they kept eye contact, jeongin thought he might as well start stripping - firstly his shirt then moving his hands down to pull down the waist band of his sweat pants. jeongin thought hyunjin was cute, how he didn't want to hurt either of them by using toys instead but the cuteness soon faded when hyunjin clicked his tongue and looked at jeongin up and down.

"get on your hands and knees, prove to me how loud you can be princess. if you're good enough... i'll let you touch me."


my birthdays in eight days

- rin <3

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