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the phrase 'you can choose your friends but you can't choose your family' was annoyingly too true. the fact that family was either a hit or miss, being born into a caring family was all anyone ever wanted - to be loved from the day your life started. no one ever wanted to be brought up neglected, beaten or victimised by the people who were supposed to be the ones there for you.

hyunjins whole life was dictated by the people who were supposed to be kind towards him, to guide him down the right path... instead he was forced to be the 'perfect' son and whenever he didn't fit the role his parents had created for him, he had to face consequences - but always behind closed doors.

having a family that seemed perfect when in reality they were cruel was awful. hyunjin could never openly speak about his parents mistreating him without being told he was just 'overreacting' or 'complaining' as he was rich, had lots of friends, had girls falling at his feet and was spoiled rotten. he was told he had nothing to hate.

flashbacks of his childhood flashed before his eyes once he stood in front of his family house, the black front door was smaller than he remembered, he always thought it was huge - but maybe that was him as a kid thinking it towered over him whenever had to come back home knowing he was in trouble, waiting for the door to open and for his mother or father to grab him harshly.

"are you ok jinnie?" jeongin asked with a faint smile, squeezing onto hyunjins hand softly as he noticed the boys hesitation, the way he looked so scared of a house. jeongin knew that wasn't normal. the brunette turned back to look at the younger who was stood behind him, practically glowing.

jeongin was like the light of his life, rescuing him in times of need with that gorgeous smile of his decorating his angelic face. "you've calmed me down." hyunjin said sighing with relief and stepped closer up to the porch and rang the doorbell, untangling their fingers to bring his arm around the blondes waist.

"you actually came.. my boy!" a woman said once the door had opened, she was slim and had a pretty face just like hyunjin. she looked like a model, someone who was so beautiful even for her age. jeongin assumed it was hyunjins mother due to the similarities and the way she spoke to him.

hyunjin looked at the woman with daggers in his eyes, a blank expression compared to the others soft and happy one. "we're not staying long, mother." the boy said coldly and walked past her, dragging along the younger who was left with his mouth agape, partially bowing to to woman to not seem rude. she wore a frown and closed the door behind them, watching the two boys walk into another room.

"calm down, you're tense." jeongin whispered into hyunjins ear, getting onto his tiptoes to reach him. the brunette only nodded his head and relaxed his shoulders a little. his mind was so scrambled making him only want one thing to calm him down, to see his baby squirming underneath him, but he knew that there was a time and a place so he tried to shake off the thoughts.

"hyunjin..." a mans voice appeared into the room, walking around until he settled down into an expensive looking arm chair, then looked back up at the boy. "i haven't seen you in such a long time son..." his father began making hyunjin pause his thoughts and look at the man with disgust crawling over his face.

"where's yej" the brunette said trying to keep calm but he felt so angry in the presence of his father, his teeth gritting at the mans familiar smirk that he wore as he knew hyunjin was scared of him - it made him feel powerful knowing his son was weak.

"how about me? how about asking if your old man is doing ok?" mr. hwang added, his tone feeling sarcastic just to annoy hyunjin yet still feeling raw as maybe the man just missed his son. as hyunjin worked for his mothers company he had to sometimes see her although he tried his hardest to avoid her, but his father... he had no associations with him, he meant nothing to him so he never made any kind of effort to see him.

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