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every morning had become a routine for jeongin; waking up next to a handsome hyunjin who wrapped his arms around the boys body so protectively, often walking up to a good morning kiss or a cuddle.

when hyunjin was not beside the younger when he woke up he felt a frown creep on his face, missing the familiar feeling of the other tangled up with him. "jinnie-ahhh~" the blonde called out, getting out of bed and slipping on one of hyunjins hoodies to cover up his naked body. he winced a little at the pain in his lower body but shrugged it of as it had became the new normal for him.

getting no reply from the other made jeongin a little worried, his clinginess and over attachment he had for the male showing a bit to much. he checked in the bathroom, then the living room and lastly the kitchen, knitting his eyebrows together when he was no where to be found.

"ah- the balcony." he mumbled and dragged along his feet back to the bedroom and pulled back the large black out curtains hyunjin had covering the left side of his bedroom which was a wall of glass from top to bottom. there was a door on the one side leading out to a balcony, one that rarely got used unless hyunjin was smoking. and there he was, sat on one of the chairs with a cigarette pressed to his lips.

"i told you to smoke less." jeongin said softly, shutting the door behind him and watching as hyunjin rolled his eyes and put out the said cigarette. once it was gone jeongin climbed into the brunettes lap - straddling him and nuzzling his face into the others neck.

"i hate when you're not next to me when i wake up." jeongins whispered, holding onto the others body tightly, not ever wanting to let go of him. hyunjin had became such a big part of his life that his only fear was to ever loose him, he couldn't imagine the feeling of having hyunjin taken away from him, it made his heart shatter only thinking about it. being paranoid about hyunjin leaving him was one of the only problems he ever had.

"i know baby, sorry... i'm just trying to think. my heads so fucked at the moment." hyunjin replied and wrapped his arms loosely around the youngers body. comfortable silence soon engulfed the two and they boy sat listening only to each others breathing patterns and heart beats. it felts so calming to hold someone you love so close and not have to worry about anything.

but for hyunjin it was hard to not worry.

the silence was soon taken over by small and quite sobs - only heard due to how silent everything else was. jeongin looked up at the older, not knowing what to do once he saw him like that.. crying.
"jinnie?" jeongin mumbled softly, looking at the brunette with a confused but sad expression, he hated seeing hyunjin in such a way.

"uh it's nothing." the older said whilst wiping away his tears and putting on a fake smile just for jeongin but the tears still fell slowly down his beautiful face. "be honest with me jinnie, what's wrong." the blonde sat up a little on the boys lap, facing him more.

hyunjins only looked away, he was never one to talk about his problems and he felt like he had already told jeongin a bit too much, more than he wanted to anyway. bottling up his emotions was his way of dealing with stuff when life got hard, well that and sex, cigarettes and drinking but everyone had their ways of coping.

"i told you it's nothing. i just thought about something sad that's all." hyunjin spoke with a small sniffle and the younger only shook his head wiping away the rest of the boys tears. "i know that you're lying to me." jeongin said tenderly, tucking the olders hair behind his ears.

moments like this made hyunjin feel like jeongin was the only other person in the world, the only one he ever needed. the way he knew him oh so well despite the short period of time they had known one another, it felt like they were made for each other. sure that sounded like a cliche but fairytales can come true sometimes.

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