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tw : blades

hyunjin was now the one resting up against the head board, jeongin now sat in his lap facing him and looking up at the older with pleading eyes. "p-please jinnie i want you inside me!" the boy whined, legs shaking under hyunjins touch as he was almost fisting jeongin currently.

"don't call me that." hyunjin growled sternly in jeongins ear which just made him whimper in response and utter a small, "sorry daddy." to hyunjins amusement he enjoyed that very much. jeongin being so shy and 'innocent' whilst riding his fingers like a 'whore' in hyunjins words.

"good boy." and with that hyunjin took his fingers out, the feeling in his ass so bare that jeongin couldn't help but whimper at the release - yet his legs were still trembling.

"such a sensitive little one~" the older whispered into jeongins ear, nibbling on his lobe and leading kissed down from behind his ear to his jawline. jeongin only hummed in response, still a little taken aback at how stimulated he felt just from hyunjins fingers.

hyunjin felt an urge to be a little more kinky then usual, the room inspiring him along side the pretty cross dressed boy sat ontop of him. he placed jeongin down onto the bed delicately, admiring his shivering state before getting up and walking to the other end of the room where most toys were kept.

before jeongin knew it he was being handcuffed to the top of the bed with his favourite pink fluffy handcuffs hyunjin owned. the whole act was so wordless and assertive that it became extremely hot to him. "jinnie are you going to touch me yet~~" jeongin whined out impatiently, precum leaking from his length.

"it's not jinnie to you." hyunjin growled and forcefully pushed a butt plug into jeongins hole to firstly shut him up and to keep him streched out as he wasn't planning on fucking him just yet, instead wanting to take time and introduce more foreplay into their sex.

"sorry daddy~" jeongin purred, feeling happy and comfortable with the new nickname now, thinking it was hot and well fitting for someone so dominant and assertive like hyunjin. the older smirked and pulled something out of his pocket, something small but with a swift movement revealed as some kind of pocket knife.

jeongin gulped a little as he hadn't ever really done much knife play himself, but the more hyunjin stared at him with those eyes, the more he was down to try anything at this moment in time. "what do you want our safe word to be princess?" hyunjin asked softly, stroking jeongins thigh as he waited for an answer.

"pink?" the younger said almost as a question, saying the first word that came to mind and that happened to be his favourite colour. "anything's fine baby, as long as you remember it and remember to use it if you're not ready."

the way hyunjin spoke put the younger on edge a little, he wasn't exactly sure what hyunjin was planning on doing in order for safe words to be introduced but he was fine anyway. the two had gone over a conversation they had many months ago, jeongin retelling hyunjin everything he was and was not comfortable with - stating that he didn't need consent to do anything as he trusted hyunjin enough, but if he said no to stop immediately.

jeongin wasnt one who liked to be asked for consent often, in fact preferring if hyunjin just slipped it in without asking as he was always the one who liked more rougher things - well ever since hyunjin. before he was more vanilla but once he got a taste of more kinky things he became just as bad as hyunjin.

"what are you doing?"

"shh baby, what have i told you about patience." hyunjin snapped back, not leaving jeongin enough time to add anything else to his sentence but the younger liked it, he liked that assertive tone hyunjin gave him as it made him feel more dominated.

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