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"w-what the fuck did you just say-" jeongin said in a surprised tone, shooting up out of his seat and looking at hyunjin with such pain on his face. it felt wrong, how did he know to say that? "what am i to you hyunjin? is this all just a sick game?" jeongin said running his hands through his hair and tugging a little, pacing around the room to calm him down more.

"jeongin what did i say wrong?" hyunjin hummed softly, tilting his head with furrowed eyebrows. jeongin felt infuriated, how was he able to sit and lie to his face that he had forgotten him when he called him names he used to.

"hyunjin stop this act! you're fucking lying to me! how did i fall for it? you're trying to fucking keep me all obsessed with you again aren't you? you're a fucking psycho!" jeongin screamed at him, loosing his cool completely. he leant on the wall and looked at hyunjin with disgust on his face, he hated this. everything was supposed to be ok again but of course, nothing ever ended well for jeongin.

"jeongin i dont know what you're on about... im not lying to you. i can't remember you. there's lots i can't remember. please just believe me." hyunjin said calmly, so calm it made jeongin confused. the hyunjin he knew would've already been shouting in his face and getting aggressive, but now? it felt so sincere that jeongin calmed down himself a little.

"t-then why did you call me princess?" the blonde asked, beginning to cry and walk towards the older who was still sat on the bed. jeongin sat on the floor beside the bed, hugging his knees and resting his head on top of hyunjins lap.

"i don't know really. it felt like a instinct to call you that. i'm sorry if it hurt you, do you not like being called that?" hyunjin asked softly, stroking the smallers hair to soothe him more. jeongin sobbed quietly on his lap, sniffling ever so often and snuggling into the fabrics of hyunjins clothes, taking in his familiar scent.

"i'm sorry. i guess i just overreacted... i love that name jinnie, it's the name you used to always call me. it brought back a lot of memories i guess - it's hard for me." jeongin spoke softly, a slight whimper in his tone as he spoke. the boy had realised that maybe hyunjin wasn't lying at that it was just his brain making out the worst case scenario like what he often did because... hyunjin really did forget him. yeah it hurt, but jeongin needed to just remake memories rather then making up that hyunjin was always the bad guy. the boy was just hurt. so incredibly hurt.

"ah... that makes sense why it felt so natural. although i don't have a clear memory of who you are, you're so familiar to me. everything you do is just natural and i can adjust to you so quickly. thank you for being here for me but now, i think i need to be there for you because you need it more." hyunjin said with a comforting tone, one that made jeongin look up at him and shake it head slightly, he felt guilty already but hyunjin knew all he wanted to do was to protect the smaller.

although hyunjin was the physically weaker one right now, he knew that jeongin was mentally more weak. he could tell how fragile the boy was and all he wanted to do was just to hold him in his arms and tell him it was going to be ok because it was. "you know, i called you princess because you remind me of one. you're all whiny and want your own way, and i think i'd do anything for you..."

jeongin felt the sides of his mouth cursing up into a smile, eyes drying up from tears and he stood up to sit besides the older and embrace him into a warm hug. "that's what you said to me ages ago... thank you jinnie." the blonde whispered softly into hyunjins neck.

this. this is what jeongin had missed, the praising, the love and just hyunjin like this. hyunjin happy again and not making jeongin sad, when he was like this, all amazing a someone the younger relied on with his whole heart.

"is this a bad time you say that your ass is like really nice.."

"hyunjin. shut up."


i rarely know what to put
in the author note anymore
because i just update so much
that i'm using all my ideas up
so who are your biases and
wreckers in skz ?

my ult is jeongin and minho
and hyunjin wreck :pp

- rin

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