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"jinnieeee! you ripped my tights." jeongin whined, standing in his mirror with his fishnets on, a short pink plaid pleated mini skirt and a cute little baby tee crop top on. hyunjin - who had just woke up - rubbed his eyes in awe, thanking the heavens at such a perfect way to wake up.

jeongin was stood, limping around in the mirror and checking himself out at how cute he looked, a pout resting on his face at the annoying rip. the time read 08:37am yet jeongin was fully awake and trying on various different clothes, settling on the one he was currently wearing as his favourite.

"come show me what i did." hyunjin spoke groggily in his deep morning voice, not recalling the fact he had ripped anything as whilst they were fucking the last thing he'd give a fuck about was preserving a pair of tights which probably were inexpensive to buy.

"look!" jeongin whined, turning around and pulling up his skirt, barely able to stand up due to his weak legs yet he managed. hyunjin gulped a little, feeling even more happy at the fact he had woken up to jeongin like this, and now the boys ass in his face. the most beautiful ass ever to be precise. in fact - the result of jeongins ass being wavered in his face made him completely forget to check the rip and instead notice the fact he wasn't wearing any underwear. none.

the first thing hyunjin did was sit up a little and placed his hand on each cheek, making jeongin jolt a little at what he was doing. "jinnie.. i said look at what you did not stare at my ass." he giggled softly, about to walk away until he gasped, turing his head too look at hyunjin - hyunjin who had just spread open his cheeks.

"jinnie!" the blonde gasped again, feeling his warm breath get closer to his skin and now run his tongue against his bruised hole from the night before. "not now.. please" the boy whimpered and hyunjin pulled away with a sad expression, "whys that huh?" he said and let go off jeongin.

"we have work... do you not set any alarms mr. hwang? you're my boss yet i'm the one who wakes you up every time." jeongin said, telling the boy off slightly and undressing himself to get into his work attire. "you know jinnie, you've never done that before... so please do it again soon." the blonde added, blushing softly as he put on his boxers.

"done what?" hyunjin asked, still not fully awake. "licked or ate my ass.." jeongin whispered, finding the phrase gross to say. hyunjin chuckled softly at the boy and then thought hard, "really? i haven't? it can be your reward little one." he said as he got up out of bed, stroking the youngers chin as if he was a cat due to the boy liking touches like that. ah, so cute.

after both boys getting ready for work they had some time to spare and decided to go get breakfast, settling at a cute coffee shop by their work building. jeongin had ordered an iced caramel coffee as the worker recommended it alongside a blueberry muffin and porridge, simply because he got overwhelmed at the choices and knew that he enjoyed porridge. as for hyunjin he got possibly the strongest coffee jeongin had ever seen anyone order - an americano with three extra shots.

"are you crazy?" jeongin said with a giggle once he paid and sat down. "how else am i supposed to wake up? you know i get tired in the morning." the older rolled his eyes and fluffed out jeongins hair. jeongin who was sat rather cutely chomping down on his muffin as he waited for the other drinks and food to come.

"oh my god! hyunjinnie!" a voice said, specifically a girls, from the other side of the room. the said girl sat down at the two boys shared table and moved her chair closer to 'hyunjinnie', the sight already pissing jeongin off.

"lia.. hey." hyunjin gulped with a cringed expression, cutting jeongin a look to tell him he wanted the girl to go away. as jeongin didn't care about hurting anyone's feeling who remotely looked at his hyunjin in such a way that was flirting, he was going to make sure this girl left, who ever she was.

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