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work was slightly distracting when you had a beautiful boy lay peacefully on your lap, for hyunjin paying attention to his calls was nearly impossible. he wasn't sure on how jeongin was so contempt and happy just to be sat on him and listening to his voice all day, the younger barely spoke and only did when he asked hyunjins to hold him tighter.

the two were sat in comfortably silence as hyunjin worked, contempt with each other presents that they didn't need to talk about anything. instead of being sat at hyunjins usual desk, they were on the small couch at the side of the room, hyunjin sat upright as for jeongin who was lay across the couch curled up with most of his body resting on hyunjins lap.

"baby~" hyunjin called out in a slight whine, making the blonde look up at him with a twinkle in his eyes that made him look angelic. hyunjin adjusted the boys bangs, smiling at the cutely turned up pieces of hair and how sweet it made the boy look. "it's so hard to work when all i want to do is give my baby all the attention." the older said, resulting in a half smile from the boy who had just perched upon his lap.

"give it me then." jeongin chuckled, straddling the older and kitten licking at his neck - the sensation making hyunjin groan a little and hold onto the youngers waist. "i need to get on with my work-" he sighed a little but nevertheless enjoyed whatever jeongin did.

"i don't care." the blonde whispered mischievously, pushing his hips down a little firmer onto hyunjins lap, the licking switching over to wet kisses that littered over hyunjins neck and jaw - occasionally teething at the skin to create small little love bites over him.

"you horny or something today? last night not enough for you?" hyunjin teased and softly squeezed at the others left cheek, playing with it in his hand as he relaxed into his touches. "not really, i just like touching you." jeongin mumbled in his ear, a hand sliding up the back of hyunjins neck to softly grip the base of his hair and pulled him into a kiss.

their lips met with such passion and meaning that it felt so special - jeongin loved how it felt when their kisses weren't rough and instead soft and thought over well. hyunjins hands had traveled to meet the smallers waist, gripping onto him tightly to let him know he was enjoying it. the two had created a love language between them by using their bodies, wordlessly being able to tell each other how they felt.

"jeongin," hyunjin spoke breathily, pulling away from the blonde and resting his forehead against the others forehead too, the closeness of the two feeling so comforting and soft. "you know i've fallen for you." he admitted, looking into the youngers eyes. jeongin couldn't explain how those words felt to hear, he felt his heart explode in his chest in the best way possible - in a way that showed how happy he was to finally hear hyunjin say such things.

jeongin hadn't responded yet, instead being in such disbelief that his mouth hung open a little, his swollen lips still glossed over in saliva from their kiss. "baby?" the older whispered feeling a bit nervous at the lack of response he got from the other, he wasn't too sure how jeongin was truly feeling and felt like he was reliving the moment with hiding again; confessing and getting his heart shattered.

the younger felt so happy that he became speechless, only able to intertwine his fingers with hyunjins and giving them a small squeeze to imply he was fine. the brunette sighed in relief and half smiled before feeling a pair of lips on his once more. jeongin felt himself get overwhelmed by the emotions, like he always did, what he was experiencing just felt so magical that he was touched.

their bodies instinctively moved closer, hands flying everywhere to pull each other more together closing up any gaps between them. lewd noises left jeongins lips as he lazily kissed back, trying to subdue louder noises from the feeling of their lower body's pushing against one another. jeongin felt his eyes cloud up with tears, pulling away from the kiss and resting his face in the crook of hyunjins neck, sobbing quietly.

"w-what's wrong?" the older said shakily, confused at the sudden change in tone, making jeongin lift up his head and look at him with his red eyes and flushed nose. jeongin sniffled slightly and looked down at his hands that were still tightly gripping onto the fabric of hyunjins shirt from their kiss.

"i'm getting a bit overwhelmed, sorry." jeongin said a bit embarrassed, feeling stupid that he felt such things. he often felt such ways in situations like this, he wanted to tell hyunjin how badly he had fallen for him but he couldn't quite get it out. instead he bottled it up and couldn't handle it, letting out sobs instead.

"did i say that a bit fast- i'm sorry we can forget about it- i- just i'm sorry." hyunjin said panicking, all he could think about was the times he had been rejected and how hurt he had got by that. he surpassed the anger and instead was left with sadness and shock, it hurt him to know jeongin didn't feel the same.

"it's not that... i just struggle to express how i'm feeling. i- i really like you jinnie and i've never felt this way before but please just give me time to tell you how much you mean to me." jeongin said softly, the tears stopping now but he was left with embarrassment and frustration. he hated how he was with his emotions. how he could never express anything besides his lust and sadness.

it all linked back to his family. how he was never shown love in his home, how he was neglected with all aspects of love. he never could understand the concept of love from the lack he received growing up. it took him half a year to let felix and the rest of his friends in, the fact that hyunjin made him feel such ways scared him. he didn't know how he should feel and how he should react.

hyunjins phone ringing cut of their comfortable silence, a sigh leaving the olders lips as he knew it was probably important but all he cared about was tending to his jeongin. "take it, it's fine." the younger reassured him, curling up onto his lap like a kitten and shutting his eyes. hyunjin half smiled at the actions and picked up the phone, answering it whilst stroking on jeongins hair to comfort him to sleep.

moments like this felt perfect. the fact that jeongin could turn hyunjins mundane life into somethung beautiful was so perfect. the comfort jeongin provided was perfect. the way jeongin twitched softly in his sleep was perfect. jeongin was so perfect.

"how did it take me this long to realise that i love you." hyunjin mumbled to jeongin who was asleep once his call had finished. realising how strong those feelings were made hyunjin know that it could only cause pain. but love could be so beautiful with a boy like jeongin, and hyunjin hoped that it was.

hi guys !! :)
good news is that the
next few chapters
will mostly be fluff
n it's so cute i love
them like this. but
a small question!
you you prefer
short chaps every
night, or longer chaps
that post ever few
days ? ly all !

- rin !

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