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no matter what had happened to hyunjin, he would always be the sex crazed boy he used to be. and jeongin was the exact same, sex crazed for one boy and one boy only. jeongin would obey to anything he said within reason. upon hearing hyunjin said he would let the younger touch him if he was good, he more than eagerly got up off the couch and slipped off his joggers that were sat at his thighs before throwing them else where.

jeongin got on the couch but this time not in a normal way, but instead on his hands and knees, ass up high facing hyunjin as he hugged a pillow down the other side - making sure his back was nice and arched as he knew hyunjin loved the sight so much.

"are you clean?" hyunjin hummed, pulling down jeongins boxers but didn't need an answer, instead being greeted with a hairless private area which was all a pretty pink shade. "i expected nothing less from a boy that looks like you." he added, hinting to the fact he knew the younger was a pretty boy who cared about his appearance a lot.

"jinnie i'm always clean." jeongin replied and shook his ass a little to get more attention, but down to what he said was true. from having sex with hyunjin so often before, it had just became muscle memory to clean himself out every time he showered - not even because hyunjin cared, in fact he said multiple time he didn't, but because he took pride in himself in looking pretty. even regularly going to get himself waxed so he didn't have razor bumps.

"you look so pretty like this baby." hyunjin said softlu, scooting closer over to jeongin and placing a hand on his thigh before leaning down to kiss his skin. jeongin loved even the slightest touches from hyunjin, even just as his lips connected to his lower back... it still felt magical to him.

hyunjin was thankful that his left arm was the one that was broken as otherwise he wouldn't of been able to stretch jeongin on the way he wanted to, but luckily the casts were coming off in a week or so. "hold one of your cheeks baby, i can't do it." hyunjin chucked, guiding jeongins hand to hold open one of his ass cheeks for easy access. he opened the cap of lube and squeezed some on jeongins hole.

"jinnie~~ i'm getting impatient." jeongin whined softly and before he knew it, two fingers had entered him without any warning, his head rolling back and emitting a loud gasp. although it hurt, jeongin loved how hyunjin was still the same subconsciously, not even thinking to add one finger at a time, instead going straight for two like he had always begged for.

"is that good princess?" hyunjin asked softly once he had noticed how jeongin was no longer clenching onto things and instantly quietly moaning into a pillow. the older could sense how needy the boy was, from his impatient words and how he pushed his ass back so hyunjins fingers went deeper, everything about him was such a mess and hyunjin loved it.

"so good jinnie." the blonde replied in a whimper, still desperately fucking hyunjins fingers who were begging to move slow just to watch how jeongin himself sunk back on them. "p-please i need more." he added in a whine and hyunjin only obeyed as he knew the already bratty boy would get even brattier.

before long jeongin was able to take in four fingers, loving how each pump felt and never getting bored besides wanting to feel something with more power. although he wanted hyunjins dick more than anything else, he knew they both weren't ready for sex yet and hyunjin wasn't physically ready either.

"you want this don't you baby?" the brunette hummed pulling out his fingers to hear a pretty little whimper from jeongin. he smirked and bent down to kiss at his sides to calm him a little as the boy was already feeling sensitive from not doing anything to himself or letting anyone do anything to him for a while.

"y-yes." he whimpered once again, feeling more lube drip down onto his hole before another, less familiar object was rubbed up against his entrance. jeongin tried to push his hips back but hyunjin only slapped his ass once he became to impatient, the younger whimpering and staying still before doing it again and again.

"do you want me to put this in you? or do you want to sit there leaking out precum and no one helping you? huh?" hyunjin growled in a tone that was so hot and degrading it made jeongin shiver, he loved to be spoken to like he was just some body to play with. maybe that was just the trauma and him forming kinks from them but oh well... it was still a kink no matter the origin.

"i'm sorry jinnie. i'll be a good boy now." jeongin replied with a gulp as he felt the vibrator enter him momentarily, before slipping back out again which made the boy whine rather loudly. he hated when hyunjin tried to edge him, although it was a kink of hyunjins, a bratty and whiny bottom like him hated it and in fact it only made him cry and groan in frustration but hyunjin loved the sight and loved him begging - so it slowly became enjoyable for him too.

jeongins legs were already trembling at the thought of getting something up his ass, even just the teasing of a toy still made him crazy. the blonde was about to complain about hyunjin edging him until he felt the vibrator slip all the way in with a ease, a rather loud moan leaving his lips. he could tell by just the feel of it that the toy hyunjin picked was the one he used to as well, making him smirk at yet another coincidence like hyunjin had kept doing.

"get on my lap." hyunjin ordered, the obedient younger only nodding his head and hopping on before their lips connected for yet another sloppy make out, yet one of hyunjins hand reaching for the remote of jeongins toy and him turning it to a medium setting. jeongin was shocked at the sudden pleasure that he had to pull away and rest his head into hyunjins neck, moaning almost every second as his whole lower half shook with the vibrations of it.

"you really are sensitive.." hyunjin hummed, holding the base of the vibrator and slowly pulling it in and out as it was still on, making the already sensitive boy scream out in pleasure. "FUCK JINNIE!" the younger screamed once the setting had been switched all the way to the maximum and still being thrusted up into him by hyunjin.

every little mannerism about jeongin was becoming so intoxicating to hyunjin: how he tried to subdue moans by biting his shoulder but was still too loud for them to be fully silenced, how his legs stayed trembling, how his eyes were glued shut and an occasional tear down his face and just how perfect he was all together. hyunjin was just blown away by jeongins beauty - call it cringe, but the truth was unavoidable.

everything was going well for the both of them until one thing happened that wasn't quite expected, one that made jeongin gasp and bite his lip as he wasn't exactly in shape to see anyone, especially anyone knocking on the front door.

"be a good boy and answer the door jeongin."

"l-like this?"

"like that, yes."


pov: i keep doing
slight cliffhangers.
oh also i'm getting
my eyes tested tomo
as i never wear my
glasses or contacts
so my prescription
has gotten worse >:(

- rin !

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