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the drive home was silent. completely silent. no radio, no talking, no nothing. they both sat in silence, only the noise of the cars indicators clicking when hyunjin was turning a corner, but besides that? nothing.

jeongin felt awful for bringing hyunjin into his group of friends who weren't the nicest straight away and he knew that, they all were very protective over him as he was the youngest and they all were fairly cold at first. the blonde wished he had introduced them to hyunjin at a slower pace, maybe one by one as he knew the older wasn't exactly crazy over meeting people, or people in general.

the guilt mostly came from what happened with chan - his ex that he never brought up. jeongin had told hyunjin so many stories about chan; how he had helped him when he was raped, how he was super close with him, how they had gone on holiday together, etc. jeongins had mentioned nearly everything besides the part where they dated for a year. he didn't know how to bring it up as hyunjin was the jealous type anyway and would feel threatened that jeongin was friends with his ex, an ex that was very special to him too.

in hyunjins mind all he could think about where chans harsh words saying "you're just one of the many guys he's fucked." of course he knew he couldn't be mad at jeongin for having sex with other people, especially before they even met but hearing it out loud felt painful. and from the person jeongin lost his virginity to? fucking infuriating. he hated to imagine anyone touching jeongin, it was even worse to know the person who took his innocence from him - that alone made him want to beat chan up.

"hyu-" "so when we're you going to tell me you fucked your best friend?" hyunjin said sternly, cutting off the blonde who already was feeling nervous but hearing the male talk in such a way made him feel worse, when hyunjin spoke so calmly that meant he was even more angry then when he shouted. he was like a bomb waiting to explode.

"it's not like that hyunjin..." jeongin replied softly trying to keep the situation calm by talking calm but the brunette didn't care about how he spoke or what he said, he was still angry and knew he would be for a while. "then what is it like hm? you just forgot to tell me that this chan guy who you talk about all the time is the guy you lost your virginity to? the guy you did everything with first?" jeongin gulped at the olders words as he knew he was right, he knew he should've mentioned it but he was going to just at his own time.

"we broke up ages ago jinnie- i was going to tell you i didn't think you were going to find out tonight..." the blonde said whilst looking down at his hands, fidgeting with his rings. "yeah well i did find out and i'm fucking pissed." the older said with an underlying growl in his tone. he didn't want to lash out but it was hard for him not to, usually he resolved stuff with violence but he'd never lay a finger on jeongin so instead he just would have to deal with it some other way.

jeongin didn't reply and instead only sighed continuing to be quiet until they got to the olders place. at first hyunjin was going to take to his apartment but settled on something else; something better that would teach the younger a lesson and it had to be done at his.

"get out." hyunjin said abruptly once they parked and got out the car himself and walked straight to the apartment building not caring if the blonde was behind him or not - to jeongin, this lack of affection and cold shoulder he got was the worst, all he wanted was for hyunjin to think he was a good boy but he knew right now that the older thought the opposite.

"jinnie i'm sorry.." jeongin began only to get ignored and grabbed by the wrist to pull him into the apartment. he let go of the boy once they were inside and locked to door behind him. "get on the bed." hyunjin instructed and the younger wasn't one to disobey an angry hyunjin so that's what he did.

as for hyunjin, he walked to the kitchen to grab his lighter that was on the counter top and the pack of un opened cigarettes beside them. he had began to smoke less recently but not completely - he smoked when he was stressed or angry and that was fairly often with him. he put the end in between his lips and lit the but of it whilst walking towards his room.

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