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once morning rolled around the sun had rose and filtered light into hyunjins bedroom, in between the gaps of his blinds. fidgeting and moving happened in the bed as jeongin was starting to wake up. his eyes were still glued shut as he wiggled around. although his bed was soft he had never woke up in such comfort before - and the sheets, they smelt different to jeongins floral detergent.

although feeling a little out of place he didn't question it until he felt movement beside him, which was way to unfamiliar to pass up on. "gaH!" the boy shrieked once his eyes opened and revealed the other who lay beside him. he jolted up and was about to get up when another skriek left his plump lips. "i'm naked!" he almost shouted, waking up hyunjin beside him.

"why are you screaming for.... it's too early~" the older male groaned, rolling around to face a distraught jeongin. "w-why am i naked?" his voice was weak and he was hoping that whatever may of happened the night before was either a bad dream or a prank.

hyunjin rested up on his elbows and looked at the boy in front with a small smirk, "oh. you don't remember huh? you sounded so pretty screaming my name, if only you'd remember." a sleepy hyunjin teased in his deep morning voice. his hair was slightly messy but none the less still looked so soft and pretty.

a small gasp left jeongins lips, he quickly got out of the bed and wrapped himself up in a blanket before hyunjin could see him naked. "a-are you being serious?" his voice cracked. 'why are you so stupid when you're drunk!' he thought and watched as hyunjin nod his head.

"oh my god- YOU PERVERT! YOU KNOW I WOULDNT OF WANTED THIS! YOU TOOK ADVANTAGE OF ME!" jeongin shouted at him feeling upset at what had happened. although the boy liked sex, he wasn't one to sleep around often - and he especially wasn't the one to sleep with his boss.

hyunjins smirk soon dyed down to match jeongins uncomfortable expression. 'you idiot' hyunjin shook his head and got up approaching the other, "no jeongin- we didn't actually do anything i just thought it would be funny to joke with you... sorry. fuck." he groaned and the other furrowed his eyebrows.

"so you're a pervert and a jerk." jeongin almost spat and picked up his clothes, storming into the bathroom to get changed. there was nothing more that jeongin hated more then arrogant people like hyunjin, they thought the world was all about them and they were just so entitled.

hyunjin sighed in response and went to the spare bathroom to have a shower, he took his time as him and jeongin were already late to work as it is so he wasn't bothered about tardiness, and well he could easily excuse jeongin.

after a hyunjin was done drying up he dressed in his usual work attire, straight leg pants, a shirt and a blazer. it was almost a suit but more trendy. "jeongin are you still here..." the older called out as jeongin was absent from his room still.

the boy popped his head out from inside the bathroom and replied with a simple, "yup." he walked out when he was dressed and looked into the big mirror in hyunjins room. all was fine until he noticed the right side of his neck was covered in a mass of hickeys.

jeongins eyes widened as he tilted his head to look at more of the marks, noticing how they reached up to his collarbone. "how have i just noticed these- hyunjin!" he yelled at the others, causing hyunjin to jump.

"what do you want." his boss spoke unamused, jeongin only pointing to the marks on his neck in response. "fuck me jeongin, you need to learn your limits with alcohol if your memory gets this bad on a few shots. i didn't do that, about 5 different guys did." the older raised a brow and chuckled "you become such a slut when you drink."

jeongin couldn't help but blush at hyunjin, the younger only felt turned on by his words but shook his head. "don't call me a slut, weirdo." he gulped and hyunjin smirked, he noticed how he reacted to such a small word. he knew jeongin was perfect for his needs.

before picking his sexual partners he always gave them little tests that they didn't know know about. he could easily tell whether someone was weirded out or turned on and jeongin stood there with pink cheeks and wide eyes at the name. "i know you like that name baby." hyunjin spoke with a gravely voice, jeongin felt his breathing fasten but he shrugged it off and walked away.

'the things i do to you yang jeongin.'

the two boys arrived at work, both walking in at staggered times so it didn't look too suspicious. some noticed but failed to care as hyunjin was known to sleep around and jeongin was an attractive boy himself.

once jeongin sat at his desk he felt eyes on him through the glass panel separating the main office part of the level and hyunjins office. he turned and saw hyunjin stairing at him with a smirk which made him shiver and look back at his computer.

"woah what's going on with you and the boss- don't tell me you came in with him jeong..." jisung paused waiting for a reply. jeongin told him about what happened and him drinking so much he could barely remember anything.

"i don't know what happened but all i know is that hyunjin is trying to win me like i'm some prize at an arcade and i don't like it one bit. he gives me major creepy vibes." jeongin said and sighed. "and these hickeys, hyunjin said he didn't do it but how can i trust him. he let me sleep in bed with him naked and lied to my face saying we slept together just to get my reaction."

jisung frowned a bit and rubbed jeongins back, "don't worry about it." the older said simply and jeongin nodded his head, trying to relax himself but he still felt tense.

"and how could i forget!-" jeongin exclaimed, "he called me a slut and said he knew i enjoyed the nickname. is he like into kinky shit or something because that's not normal to say to a random person. he said 'i know you like that name baby'" jeongin furrowed his brows and rested his face in the palm of his hands.

jisung nudged him and handed over his phone to the younger, "i'm guessing you haven't googled the guy then." jeongin shook his head and read through the articles, pages upon pages of what hyunjin had done.

"he's a monster."

are longer(ish) chapters like
this preferred ?

- rin ᵕ̈

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