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"let's gooo!!!" hyunjin groaned a little, sitting at the edge of the bed and watching as jeongin did his makeup ever so slowly. the two boys were supposed to meet the youngers friends at a club in town and were already half an hour late, to jeongin it was completely normal for him to turn up late as he always cared about looking good then punctuality.

"jinnie, everyone knows i'll be late anyway, that's what i'm like." he said with a soft chuckle, applying eyeliner to his eyes and smoking it out. hyunjin loved when the blonde had his makeup like that, it always made his pretty eyes look even more fox like then they already did.

"wow baby.." the brunette mumbled under his breath once he saw jeongin fully dressed. he wore tight black pants and a flowy dress shirt that showed off his defined collar bones and love bites that made it clear he was taken. his makeup was soft and not too heavy, only a small amount of eyeliner and shadow on his eyes along side a little concealer to his under eyes. lastly his blonde locks were slightly curled to give his hair a more messy look.

"what?" jeongin asked whilst putting on various items of jewellery - most importantly the ring hyunjin had bought him not too long ago - and fixed his platinum blonde hair in the mirror, turning back to look at the older who was practically drooling at the site.

"you're gorgeous. i've never seen any boy- no anyone ever prettier then you." hyunjin said in a soft tone, wrapping his arms around the smallers waist and nuzzling his face in the boys neck. jeongin blushed softly, stil feeling a little giddy at the complements he received from hyunjin although they had been dating for quite a while.

"thank you jinnie." jeongin replied shyly and turned around to meet the models lips as he was already planning to bring the younger into a sweet kiss. once their lips had parted hyunjin let of the blondes body and walked up to the door, "let's get going then baby." he said in an assertive tone that made jeongin submit and follow after him almost instantly - it was crazy how much power hyunjin had over the boy even if it was just over small things.

"i thought you were going to bail at how late you are." chan said with a slight chuckle and embraced the youngest in a tight hug - a hug that seemed a little too friendly for hyunjins liking, he thought that chans hands rested a little too low on his jeongins hips.

"we're not that late.." jeongin said rolling his eyes, although they were a whole hour late just because jeongin was indecisive about what to wear. "your am hou-" felix started but got cut off by an agitated jeongin. "you don't have the privilege to tell me off for being late right now!" the blonde said crossing his arms jokingly; to most people what felix did was wrong but to their friend group it was just another joke as they were all a bit too close and open with each other to care too much.

"oh anyway! hyunjin meet everyone! everyone meet hyunjin!" the youngest said happily once they had all sat down at the large table they had acquired for the night. "so jinnie, you know lix already, oh and jisung and minho obviously... that's seungmin, channie hyung, and where's changbin?" the boy explained but paused at the end looking around for his short friend.

"getting drinks, the bars quite busy. but anyway nice to meet you hyunjin!" chan said, being the first to hug hyunjin as he was the most 'friendly' out of them all. the brunette awkwardly hugged back and felt like the male was obviously nice but he was too protective over jeongin to be nice straight away. "you hurt jeongin and i'll make you regret it. trust me." the older whispered in his ear and pulled away from the embrace, picking up his drink and downing what was left.

hyunjin was left almost shocked at the words from chan but shrugged it off although he found it rather annoying that he was protective over someone that wasn't even his.

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