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"i'm sorry but.. who are you?"

"w-what?" jeongin stuttered, not able to process what hyunjin had just said. it couldn't be true, no, no it couldn't... hyunjin couldn't forget him right? his worst nightmare was happening and he had no control over it, but maybe he was pulling a prank right? maybe it wasn't true?

"yeji is this your boyfriend? why is he holding my hand?" hyunjin asked, pulling his hand away and was just a little confused at why this boy he wasn't familiar with was touching him. well, little did he know that he was in hospital due to saving his life because he loved him so much but now? he wasn't even aware of his name.

never had jeongin felt pain like this before; not even hyunjin hitting him, not his father leaving right before his eyes nor when he was raped - but this? watching the love of his life just completely blank him out... heck, to call jeongin his sisters boyfriend? it hurt like hell, hell probably was less painful than this.

jeongin just kept silent, knowing that if he opened his mouth a sea of emotions would come gushing out and hyunjin didn't deserve for this to happen. no matter how shit hyunjin had treated him in the past, he knew they needed a fresh start but this was just plain cruel. jeongin knew his luck was poor but whoever was deciding his life choices were one cruel being.

"jinnie... that's jeongin. do you not remember him?" yeji stepped in, holding jeongins hand and squeezing it softly to comfort the youngest. but all this did was make jeongin break down into tears, leaving hyunjin even more confused then he already was. the bed ridden boy just shook his head slowly, not sure if he was supposed to remember who this blonde was in front of him.

"i-i-" jeongin started and turned to yeji before looking back at hyunjin, "im y-your boyfriend b-baby... w-why don't you r-remember me?" jeongin cried out, the pain in his voice so visible that it made hyunjin even frown himself - yet he still had no idea who jeongin was. instead of responding hyunjin looked at the nurse that was there just in case anything bad happened, instead just left with a heavy heart.

"i'm so sorry... but hyunjin seems to have only forgotten a few segments of his life as he knows yeji perfect well. this is common due to his trauma, again, i'm so sorry. please do not rush into telling hyunjin who you are nor everything he has forgotten just yet, he needs time to adjust so the basics is fine now like how you guys first met but maybe don't burden him with how he ended in this hospital or any other bad things." the nurse said in a comforting tone, hoping to reassure the blonde but he only sighed, he still couldn't believe he would have to retell their whole love life...

after a while of awkward silence yeji got up and left the room to go get some lunch and coffees for all of them. jeongin thanked her as he needed time alone with hyunjin, maybe that if they spoke a little hyunjin would loosen up and trust him more to talk.

"jeongin?" hyunjin called out, looking to the side at the younger and lifting his weak hand to cup one side of his cheek, a small smile leaving his lips. "i'm so sorry that i cannot remember you, or why i'm here but if it makes you feel any better i think you're super cute." the older said lightly, as if he hadn't just woken up from being unconscious - but he didn't know, and jeongin couldn't mention it.

all jeongin could do was smile through the tears, closing his eyes and nuzzling his face into hyunjins hand. oh how cruel this was, for hyunjin to be there touching him yet he didn't even know his surname... how every precious moment they shared were just completely forgotten about.

"thank you jinnie." jeongin sniffled, finally opening his eyes up again to see hyunjin just staring and admiring his face even though he had been crying. hyunjin pulled further away as he did feel a little strange being overly touchy.

"can i ask a question?" hyunjin hummed, positioning himself to lie back down as his body was starting to ache... maybe because one side of his body was just either broken, fractured or bruised. "ask away."

"why did you fall in love with me? i can't remember how i treated you but... we're we happy?"

"oh jinnie ah... i don't even know how to answer this one."


anotha chap baby
and a reminder to
read my nomin ff
lotta love girlies

- rin

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