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besides hyunjins love life with jeongin being amazing, work and the rest of his life was just becoming slow. he was debating whether to quit his job and do something else instead as money was never a worry to him and still living by his mothers rules when he was in his late twenties was borderline depressing.

hyunjin had become sick of the workplace he used to enjoy so much - but the old reasons for his enjoyment no longer stood. he used to love how many women would flirt with him on a daily basis, the quickies in his office and just being treated like a god by so many of his employees. hyunjin used to thrive on the publicity of being known as the son of the famous hwang family, sure he hated the people in it but loved what came with being known - people recognising him from seeing him in magazines and even on billboards from some shoots.

his life was fun, sure, but was empty. that's until he met jeongin.

the boy that was beyond beautiful; messy blonde locks, fennec like eyes, pale smooth skin and the prettiest body of all. jeongin was like a masterpiece to hyunjin and he never wanted anyone to look at the boy in any kind of way that made them have any dirty thoughts, hyunjin was so set out that jeongin was his that he never let him go. he didn't let jeongin go until the boy realised that he needed him too.

the boy that made his world spin just for him, those first few kisses resulting into what became the most passionate love he had ever had. the way his heart beat around jeongin was crazy, the way his eyes sparkled when he heard his name. to say they were in love was an understatement, you must have been crazy.

everyone knew how much jeongin loved hyunjin, it was so painfully obvious by the way he stared at him and smiled at when he talked. how jeongin would do anything just so the older was pleased too. his whole life had been consumed by hyunjin and the thought that if he had hyunjin he no longer needed anyone else..

but that was all until that day...

that day that ruined it all...

the day that made jeongin realise that when he looked up into hyunjins eyes, they were just that again. no longer the moon, nor stars. not even the entire galaxy that they used to be. they were just eyes. jeongin could no longer prevent them from being strangers again, maybe that was just their real fate?

because when jeongin looked at his face he realised that those butterflies that had once taken over his stomach when their eyes first met has flown away. jeongins usual overwhelming emotions were now a wave of numbness washed over him, but he no longer felt scared - in fact, at peace.


hey besties ...
short chap
so i'll update
again tomorrow

- rin

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