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hyunjin had no idea where he was, the roads they had to drive up were quite small and the sun was begging to set slowly. the brunette was beyond confused on why they were making their way up a hill whilst he was just trying to go back home and see jeongin. "yeji what are we doing." hyunjin groaned and the girl only ignored him, a small smile on her face once they parked.

"get out. hurry!" she said excitedly, getting out of the car herself and rushing over to hyunjins side to tug him out of the car. hyunjin was beyond annoyed, begging it get grouchy and pouty at the fact he was still being dragged around when he didn't want to.

"cover your eyes." yeji whispered and held hyunjins hands against his face to make him not see. she pressed a hand on his back and started walking, guiding the brunette to where they needed to go.

a huge smile was on the girls face, ignoring her pouty older brother who was constantly whining about how he wanted to go home, again making her think how someone of his age could be so immature. "shut up. i think you'll like this."

"hi baby." a small voice said, one hyunjin recognised straight away and opened his eyes to. he smiled brightly and ran up to the younger who he had missed so much. hyunjin picked up the boy in his arms and gave him a tight squeeze, peppering kissed in any place he could reach. as for jeongin, he was just giggling at how clingy his boyfriend really was.

"you know it's only been a few hours jinnie~" jeongin spoke softly being placed back down as hyunjin scanned his face. "baby! you changed your hair!" hyunjin said with a gasp, suddenly realising his usually blonde boyfriend was not so blonde anymore, instead a brunette with his sides shorter too, almost like a mullet. (a/n his current hair)

"oh, yeah i got it done today." jeongin replied with a chuckle, almost forgetting about his newly changed appearance that he was still getting used to, still a little biased to the blonde he had for the past months. "anyway... come with me and close your eyes." jeongin said in a slight whisper, holding onto hyunjins hand and tugging him away to walk somewhere else - yeji slipping away too once she had seen everything done well.

jeongin was beyond exited, the two hadn't gone on a proper date in such a long time and hyunjin wasnt capable of remembering the ones they had been on so the newly brunette knew just what to do. he had spent almost the whole day preparing for this - besides running other random errands. "open your eyes~" jeongin called softly, letting go of hyunjins hand and walking forward a bit to show off what he had been up to. it was perfect.

fairy lights hung lowly from trees wrapped around, the beautiful view of seoul's main city being displayed in the background. there was a blanket lay out on the floor, with various different pillows in which hyunjin assumed was for star gazing. and lastly one park bench in the center. the bench had a cute table cloth on top, candles and various different containers of foods and drinks - all of which were hyunjins favourite.

everything identical to their first ever date.

hyunjin smiled softly, walking forwards to embrace the younger in his arms and hold him tightly. the whole thing was beautiful - everything looked beautiful, but the most beautiful was jeongin. the boy looked up at hyunjin whilst being in his arms, hoping hyunjin liked what he had done. "baby this is amazing, did you do this yourself?"

jeongin nodded his head and held the olders hand, leading him to sit down before sitting the opposite side. jeongin wanted to cry, the whole situation was so nostalgic that it hurt somehow. he remembered back to the time they first went here, when hyunjin had decorated the whole area exactly like he had done now. during that time they were perfect, never having any arguments barely and if they did they were never severe. the whole date was hyunjin expressing how he did really love jeongin and was willing to do anything to win him over - and now they were here.

hyunjin sat clueless, not aware of the past they had here and instead just contempt with how adorable jeongin was for setting this whole thing up for them. well, he was clueless until jeongin started crying. "what's wrong little one?" hyunjin asked in a whisper once he had jolted out of his seat to sit beside jeongin to soothe him from his tears. he wasn't exactly sure why jeongin had broken down at a time where everything was perfect.

"t-this place. you don't remember it-" jeongin sobbed quietly, feeling heart broken that hyunjin was so clueless about their surroundings. he had hoped that maybe something had clicked in hyunjins mind to make him remember at least one thing about him but no, nothing. "what happened here... tell me."

"the first date we ever had was here... how it's decorated now is exactly how you decorated one year ago when you were trying to get me to fall in love with you. i had met you and found out things about you that weren't good and i was very weary of you - but you were so persistent in making me love you that i gave in and went on this date with you... that's when i realised how much of an amazing person you are. this is where i fell in love with you hyunjin."

"i cried here aswell, like i always do, because i was so happy that someone had done such an amazing thing for me... you really made me feel so special hyunjin. you make me feel like i'm the only person in the world when i'm with you." jeongin paused and looked up at the older, holding onto his hand tightly as he spoke. "i guess i just hoped this would make you remember something... something of me."

hyunjin just frowned, with his free hand pulling the smaller into his arms and embracing him tightly. he had never once thought in that way - not thinking once how jeongin must feel that he was one of the only things he had forgotten about. jeongin was the most important part of his life yet he was the most foggy in his mind. jeongin always hoped that maybe, just maybe hyunjin would remember him, even one little thing. but he didn't, he never did - and it left him broken hearted.

"i'm so sorry love... i'm sorry i can't remember you." hyunjin whispered, feeling himself tear up too and how sad it was that he didn't know jeongin. because that was the truth. if jeongin had never seen him after his accident, he would've never even begin to imagine that he had loved him, he would've been fine not knowing jeongin was ever in his life. the only reason he fell in love with jeongin was because he was constantly told they used to be in love and everything fit into place... but jeongin was still a stranger to him.

hyunjin didn't know about his friends, family or anything in detail. he didn't know the basics like his favourite colour or his favourite food. nothing. jeongin was just a stranger but he had fallen in love with him. as hyunjin watched the boy in his arms he knew why, he was perfect.

"hyung don't cry." jeongin whispered, reaching up to wipe away hyunjins tears. the older smiled at him and leaned down to peck his lips, an arm snaking around his waist to make sure he was still in his touch. "don't worry princess..." hyunjin chuckled, wiping away any tears he had too, thankfully he had stopped crying, same as jeongin.

"well eat up baby, i don't want all your hard work going to waste~" hyunjin hummed and pecked the top of his head, reaching out to plate up different foods jeongin had prepared. now this, this was perfect in jeongins eyes. they had finally gotten to a point where they were ok again, happy. in love.


i'm ending this at
eighty chapters :)

- rin <3

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