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"you look so pretty like this love." hyunjin purred almost, reaching a hand out to cup jeongins face and glide a thumb over his lower lip that was glossed over with champagne - the drink running down his mouth down to his chin from how sloppily he licked it away from the bottle.

hyunjin stood at the end of the bed just holding onto the boy and looking at him with such admiration, the way he fumbled with the hem of his skirt impatiently and looked up at him with those pretty brown eyes made him melt. he loved to see jeongin dressed up in such things, the whole outfit looking so sexy on the boy it made him go crazy.

the outfit jeongin had on made him beyond excited, and not in a happy way if you understand what i'm saying. hyunjin enjoyed jeongin in skirts and dresses, his body being so tiny and pretty that he fit perfectly into such feminine styles. the way the fabric came in so tightly at his waist at the hourglass figure the boy had, his hips then wider with a plum ass too. jeongin was so perfect in hyunjins eyes, it made him so greedy for a taste.

"i want you to touch me jinnie..." jeongin paused, letting his hands glide up and down his sides and resting on his thighs. "i want your touch here," he stopped again, gripping onto his thighs harshly all whilst staring at hyunjin. "here," again moving his hands further up his thigh to tease hyunjin.

"and here~" jeongin spoke softer on there last two words, sitting up onto his knees and putting his hand up his skirt to slowly pull down and reveal some rather sexy pink panties. "baby..." hyunjin gulped, in love with how confident and hot jeongin was like this, that when he bossed him around he found himself getting more and more turned on.

"you can't resist your little princess can you." the younger said with a smirk, getting on all fours to climb over to the head of the bed and sit up against the head board, making sure to give hyunjin a nice show of his ass as he moved. "and look at you. already hard huh?" jeongin teased from a far, looking up at hyunjin who was stood admiring the confident boy.

"can you blame me."

jeongin shrugged and spread his legs open and pulled his skirt up to show himself of to hyunjin, reaching down to stroke himself as he looked at the older. the newly brunette uttered out soft and pretty moans, ones that made hyunjin even more eager than he already was to touch the boy. hyunjin climbed onto the bed to get closer to jeongin, feeling so desperate to touch the boy.

"patience jinnie." the younger hummed, closing his legs as soon as hyunjin came close, making him stay a far at the end of the bed and just watch him from where he was. once hyunjin was still again jeongin spread his legs open and picked up the bottle of lube placed beside him and squirted some onto his fingers.

"you're such a tease jeongin..." hyunjin huffed, watching as his partner lead his fingers down to his hole and circled them around his entrance. jeongin made sure to keep eye contact with the older, occasionally looking down to see what he was doing but mostly keeping focus on hyunjin.

"ah- ah~" the boy hissed once he entered in two fingers, head rolling to the side and eyes shutting as he did so. hyunjin felt like he was going to go crazy anytime soon, the way jeongin was able to tease him in such a way he knew would affect him the most made him want to just rip the boys clothes off and fuck him senseless.

"be a good boy and let d- me touch you please." hyunjin whined, hoping the younger would ignore the small slip up of words he had. in his mind he knew what he wanted to be called but he wasn't sure is jeongin was into it or if he thought it would be weird.

"daddy?" jeongin said with a chuckle and opened his eyes, still maintaining a slow pace to stretch himself out. "is that what you want me to call you..? since when do you have a daddy kink." jeongin teased more, smirking softly at the older who rolled his eyes and moved forward.

"and what if i did?" hyunjin said whilst holding down jeongins thighs to prevent him from closing his legs to furthermore tease him. the older massaged the boys thighs and bent down to kiss one softly, sucking slightly to leave a faint purple mark.

hyunjin felt too dominant to let jeongin pleasure himself, pausing from kissing his thighs to sitting up a little and removing the boys fingers from inside himself. he replaced jeongins fingers with his own and slipped in three fingers as it was already stretched out pretty well. the younger whimpered at the actions, becoming more sensitive when it was hyunjin doing it to him.

the older bent back down and connected his lips back to jeongins left thigh, teething at the skin and sucking a lot harder this time while still penetrating the boy. jeongins moans were more like whines as he wriggled his body for more and more pleasure.

"i-i won't call you that j-jinnie-" jeongin replied rather sheepishly, the confidence he had only a few seconds ago fading to his current more shy and submissive state. the boy was someone with huge daddy issues himself - his whole life craving the comfort and fatherly figure, of course he would be the type to call someone daddy. maybe just feeling a little shy at first thought.

his kinks were all centred around a daddy kink, mostly the fact he loved to be praised was because he lacked that growing up, same for his degrading as it was that discipline he had never revived either. often trauma moulded into kinks and jeongin was a prime example.

"i know you're lying baby. you do anything daddy says."


smut pending

- rin

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