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[ bold hyunjin,
italic jeongin ]

"felix called..."


"you ok."

"i'm fine."

"no, are you ok."

"i told you i'm fine."

"shut up jeongin. stop lying to me and talk, stop pretending you're ok..."

the line went silent. in fact jeongin was only silent because he knew hyunjin was right and hyunjin was just waiting for an answer, not wanting to pressure jeongin into talking straight away.

"come home."

"you know it's not that easy.."

"please, i need you."

"one more week."

"no. please. it hurts."

"what hurts?"

"everything. my body feels numb without you here. i-i.. something wrong with me jinnie..."

"i'm attached to you."

"please come home."

"i cant.."

"hyunjin please."

"baby don't make this hard for me."

"i cant fight without you."

"what do you mean fight..?"

"f-fight.. i meant uh- it's nothing."

"jeongin you better not be saying what i'm thinking."


"don't say those things to me. don't even think them. you know that you can ring me, text me or face time me any time baby. if you miss me just call. don't scare me please."

"i don't like it here without you. i can't do anything."

"baby it's fine.. i-i'm here for you but you shouldn't be so dependent."


"hyunjin i need help."

"what with.. you're scaring me."

"i don't like it here."

"what do you mean.."

"it's scary."

"baby i'm confused."

"when your not here.. i don't feel safe jinnie i'm scared."

the boys voice cracked, his voice becoming more shaky and so did his breathing. hyunjin knew too well that that was what the boy did before crying. he hated this, hearing the boy sob on the phone to him every night but he wasn't sure on what to do himself.

although jeongin was the most important person in his life he still had work to do, he wasn't able to just fly back home because his boyfriend was missing him - absolutely not. sure he felt heartless hearing his baby crying over the line but he didn't have much control over the situation himself either.

"baby i'm so sorry. i wish i could come back but it's only a week and i promise it will go by so fast."

"i keep getting those dreams again jinnie, i can't sleep."



"baby stop."

"i'm sorry."

"it's ok. i just can't."


"i love you."

"yeah, i love you too."

"i'll be back soon baby."


"bye innie, stay safe."


and with that, jeongin was alone again. nothing but his thoughts to cloud up his mind. his dark and painful thoughts.

this chap isn't like my
usual ones but oh well
spiced it up. it's just
supposed to be a phone
call do not so interesting.
i'm debating what i should
do with the plot, the one
idea i have rn yall will HATE
me so i'm tryna get some
more ideas similar lol

(how to did i spell reiner correctly from spamming rin over n over 💁)

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