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"jinnie can we go shopping?" yeji asked in a soft tone once they were walking out of the hospital to the car. although the younger wanted to spend time with her brother, she also knew that jeongin wanted hyunjin to be preoccupied in the mean time, and she wasn't quite sure on how to keep the clingy loved up boy away from his precious jeongin for such a long time.

"course yej, you'll have to hide your ugly face though." hyunjin teased, only meaning the fact he didn't want her to get recognised in public whilst they were out. yeji smacked him slightly and chuckled, raising a brow at hyunjin getting in the drivers seat instead of passengers when they approached the car.

"i'm driving! i haven't in such a long time so i'm probably rusty." hyunjin said whilst adjusting the seat as his sister was obviously much shorter than him. the red head rolling her eyes and sitting down in the passenger seat. "hyunjin. please don't crash." the younger said with a sigh and hyunjin only combed his hair back with his fingers and flipping her off momentarily.

the two enjoyed eachothers company, missing eachother due to the girls busy schedule and hyunjins messy life. as their family was so complicated it was nice to meet as siblings and hang out. they had always been close ever since they were young, hyunjin always getting teased for having a 'sister complex' but often beat anyone up who said anything of the sort.

"remember when you were such a delinquent in school." yeji said and looked at the older, chuckling slightly. hyunjin cringed at the girls words, finding his past rather bothersome to imagine. he was just an angst teen who was poorly treated by his parents and took it out on the world. "you got in fights everyday!"

"most were because people were saying stuff about you, you know?" hyunjin replied quietly, never telling the girl as to why he got in fights growing up - she often hated him for it and shouted at him for getting in fights, never knowing she was the reason for them. as yeji was such a pretty girl, all hyunjin would have was people commenting perverted things about her to hyunjin just to piss him off - and every time he would react badly ending up in a fight.

"what? you never told me that!" yeji exclaimed and looked at hyunjin with wide eyes. "my temper was awful back then, and people used to always say stuff about you, even if it was just calling you pretty - they were much older than you so i hated it. i've always been protective over you yej." hyunjin replied and received a teasing 'awh' from yeji, but deep down she was great full for him.

hyunjin was a very reserved type, although he was seemingly confident and not one who seemed shy, he often kept his private life away from most. he wasn't the friendly type either, often only talking to the ones already in his life only. and this made yeji sad. he knew the only person actively in his life beside her was jeongin, and that only being because of their relationship. she couldn't remember the last time he had met with a friend and that made her beyond sad.

"hey hyunjin, who are you friends with now? i don't see you out much besides jeongin." yeji asked, wanting to know if her brother had been seeing at least one person other then jeongin, this was why she was so desperate for jeongin to not leave him - he had no one else.

"i've been messaging changbin, we're going to meet soon actually. i can't remember him much but he reached out after the accident." hyunjin replied with a hum, making yeji smile softly at the words. "i know you love jeongin, but you need to have friends outside of him jinnie, i worry about you." yeji said with a soft pout, remembering the days before jeongin when hyunjin had just lost changbin - having no one but her and that broke her heart.

"don't worry about me yej, focus on yourself i'm doing good i promise.."


as the hours past hyunjin got more grouchy, the messages sent to jeongin still unread and the lack of attention made him sad. the brunette knew he was overthinking but something about how the younger was being more distant made him scared. he knew that jeongin wouldn't just get up and leave him, but he grew to realise how dependent he was on the boy.

"baby, call me back please." hyunjin sighed down the phone, leaving a voicemail to jeongin as the two walked down back to the car. yeji couldn't help but feel guilty know that she was in on jeongins absence but knew it was for a good cause. "he's just busy hyunjin, he called when you had your check up." yeji said which comforted the older slightly but he needed to hear the younger for himself.

it wasn't that hyunjin didn't want jeongin to be out, in fact he didn't care what jeongin did with his spare time he just wanted to know he was safe. all hyunjin wanted was the clarity that his baby was doing ok and nothing bad was happening - he had just became such an overthinker about jeongins safety all from instinct.

hyunjin seemed to understand a lot of his love for jeongin was out of instinct, that although he didn't know what to expect or to do - he still was easily able to slip back into jeongins life with no hassle. everything about jeongin was familiar, that even if his mind was foggy his love for jeongin being so strong that it shone through the bad.

"i just want to go home yeji... if you don't mind." the older said in a little bit of a huff, feeling upset at the lack of affection from his significant other the whole day. he knew jeongin want maliciously hurting him, he was just clingy and missed seeing his beautiful boy smile at him and look at him with those sparkling eyes.

"wait, i need to take you somewhere first."


this is eligible for the
wattys or what ever
the wattpad comp thing
is. #wtfdoesthatmean

- rin

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