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being too engrossed in eachother all night the two barely drank so driving home wasn't an issue, meaning they didn't have to call up yeji asking for her to drive them, instead sending her a short text saying they were fine and hyunjin driving them back to his apartment.

"jinnie~" jeongin whimpered as he tried to unlock the front door, his hands trembling as the older sucked on the sweet spot on his neck. he almost dropped the keys once or twice but finally got the door to open, letting out a small sigh of relief once he had, all he could think about was hyunjin and hyunjin only.

"finally." the younger mumbled and turned around, wrapping his arms around hyunjins neck loosely and pulled him down to his level, bringing him in to kiss his lips roughly. during the ride home the mood had changed from innocent talks to teasing, making the both of them horny and glad to be back home.

they fumbled around the apartment, still having their faces pressed together and kissing eachother so needy for one another that they didn't care about their surroundings, accidentally bumping into objects trying to find hyunjins room. once they were there jeongin got lifted off of his feet and thrown onto the bed once their lips finally left eachother. hyunjin crawled ontop of him, both reaching out for eachother clumsily, hands flying everywhere.

their lips connected once again into a sloppy yet intoxicating kiss, leaving jeongin feeling dizzy at the deep emotions behind it. hyunjins usually daft fingers struggled to unzip jeongins pants, finally getting them down with a slight tug - disregarding them somewhere random. the older pulled back for a second only to take off whatever was on jeongins top half so he could look at the blondes beautiful body. jeongin had his favourite body type when it came to men, his petite frame, small waist, round ass, soft abs and light muscles. jeongin was perfect.

once jeongin was left only in his underwear the brunette brought his lips down to his skin, pressing wet kisses all over his body. he kitten licked at jeongins nipple and sucked, enjoying the lewd noises that escaped from the youngers mouth. "please, i want you~" jeongin begged, making the older stop and look up.

"my princess is always so impatient... bossing me about all the time. that's why i call you princess, you love me to do everything for you." hyunjin said with a smirk and undressed him self too, making jeongin blush at his words and actions, after all he was right. all jeongin did was whine for the older to do as he asked, not giving much back in return but that's what hyunjin loved the most. he didn't need to be praised, hearing jeongins moans was enough for him.

jeongin wordlessly flipped over, lying on his front and clutching hold of a pillow. he heard chuckles from the brunette probably at how eager he was. hyunjin carefully pulled off the youngers boxers, throwing them off somewhere. he then held one of jeongins thighs in his hand, gently applying pressure to tell the other to spread his legs for him. he complied, turning his head to one side so he was able to look back at hyunjin. the olders fingers danced on the boys skin, effortlessly teasing him with the slight touches - the intensity of hyunjins eyes on him as he smooths his hand up from his thigh to his round ass that was now being spread apart.

"you look so pretty like this." the brunette said in awe looking down at the obedient boy who lay beneath him. his eyes clouded over in lust, messy hair, glossy with sweat and his cock leaking with pre cum, running all down the sides of his leg. the older reached into his night stand for lube whilst still holding on to jeongin ass cheek, occasionally running his thumb over his entrance.

jeongin heard the snap of the lube cap and pushed his hips up into hyunjins hold, twisting his head back over his shoulders to watch the olders face as he fingered him. "i can take two." jeongin said shyly, making a smirk grow on hyunjins face, he knew that jeongin got a little shy when asking what he wanted but it was always so amusing to hear that sweet voice request such things. hyunjin nodded his head and poured out lube onto his fingers, then rubbing the outside of jeongins hole to ease him into it. jeongin gasped once the fingers finally entered, straight away scissoring in and out of him, barely giving him time to adapt to the sensation.

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