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a week had passed since the two boys talk on the balcony and ever since then they had felt closer, they no longer felt like they needed to hide anything with one another and began having a lot more chats about their family, friends and life.

jeongin had found at that the older basically had no friends anymore; he had either pushed them away or was a shitty person towards them and that made him feel sad. one main reason why jeongin was still here today's as because of his friends and that made it hard for him to imagine life without them - he felt sorry for hyunjin that he didn't have anyone like that in his life.

"i had a friend called changbin. we were friends since we were kids but a few months ago he got a boyfriend and slowly started distancing himself from me. it was hard but then i met you, i don't need anyone else." hyunjin explained to the younger and cuddled up to him with a soft expression. the blonde felt awful, he had only ever heard bad things about hyunjins life. with his family being the worst people going and people always leaving his life he came to understand why hyunjin was the way he was.

hyunjin was broken and jeongin decided that he needed to fix him.

"i'll introduce you to my friends! they will love you, honestly. you already know felix and he told me he likes you... ah and his boyfriend changbin, they've been together for a few months now and are adorable. then there's seungmin, he's a bit blunt at first but he's really nice when you get to know him. oh and you know minho, he works beside me - recently we've gotten close and i invited him out before with the guys so now he's with us. oh, jisung will probably be there too but just ignore him." jeongins rambled on trying to fill the other in on his complicated but amazing group of friends. "lastly there's chan hyung, he's honestly amazing... once you meet him you'll understand but he is the main reason i'm still here."

hyunjin felt jealous at the way the blonde described this 'chan' guy, he knew it was innocent but he couldn't help it, jeongin described him in such a way he sounded in love. he shook off the thought as he guessed it was just him lacking the knowledge of what it was like to have friends. "i hope i'm likeable enough." the brunette chuckled and jeongin only rolled his eyes. "they will love you, and if not then who cares - i know you're the one for me." the younger said before pulling him in for a short yet sweet kiss.

"now anyway, we're going to be late to work at this rate." jeongins added, climbing out of bed wearing one of hyunjins shirts - a thin white button up that was loosely done up, jeongins beautiful body on display for him to watch. "stop being a perv and get ready hwang." the blonde said whilst rolling his eyes and slipping off the fabric that was hanging on his body down to the floor. that alone made hyunjin jolt out of bed over to the moment he saw his naked partner.

"sorry i can't help but stare." hyunjin said walking up from behind and placing his hands either side of the boys waist, smoothing his hands down to his ass which he played with in his hands. "jinnie! let me get readyyy." jeongin whined softly and tried to walk away but was stopped by a strong hand holding him by his nape. the younger always loved when the brunette did that to him, it made him become motionless and dominated by hyunjin.

"morning sex?" the older asked softly into jeongins ear, licking along the skin on his neck down to his shoulder. "mhm, no jinnie~ i need to have a shower" jeongin mumbled breathily and turned around to meet the brunettes eyes, he looked at him with seductive eyes and again lowered his head to kiss and nibble at jeongins skin - specifically on his sweet spot.

"shower sex?" hyunjin insisted, notably very horny but when was he not. the smaller only chuckled and knew if he said no he'd have a grumpy hyunjin to deal with and anyway, he liked the idea himself. he was hesitant as they weren't sleeping at the usual apartment of hyunjins - instead they had been sleeping at jeongins for a week, jeongins apartment which he shared with felix. they only had sex when felix was out as they both knew the younger wouldn't be able to shut up. hyunjin looked at the younger with puppy eyes and jeongin just chuckled.

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