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hyunjin was forced to stay later for work as his mother told him that he was 'slacking'. ever since he was given the news he would become the ceo one day he was put on even more pressure then he already had. he was always in the shadow of his younger sister yeji.

she was kind, pretty, smart and newly debuted in a girl group called itzy, they were already popular after a year. to their mom yeji was the perfect child but hyunjin on the other hand wasn't.

hyunjin was lazy, rude, spoiled and had many scandals. because of his mother's big company, everything he did was watched and noted. the news picked up on things he did which was rather annoying to him. and they had picked up on one of his... hobbies.

the boy was sex crazed. all he did was hook up with people. most people he slept with he 'dated' for a few weeks just to keep them his until he got bored. his activities weren't soft either.

he was a sadist.

there had been articles about bruises on his ex partners and how weak they looked beside hyunjin. a video was caught of one of his girlfriends fainting at an important fundraiser because of how weak she was.

his nickname in the press was vampire-jin. a joke that he sucked the life out of his partners instead of their blood. and the fact they were covered in bites and hickeys.

hyunjin didn't care people knew about what he was like, but his mother on the other hand was ashamed as is shined a different light on the company. yeji was supposed to become the ceo but instead leaving to become and idol left only hyunjin.

"i'm so ashamed of what you have become."

that phrase repeated in his mind often. he felt like a burden in his family and them hating him only made him become worse. every time he got shouted at or reminded of their words, the only thing that calmed him down was sex.

hyunjin lay back in his chair and growled a little. "why did you think about that." he mumbled to himself, thinking about his mother saying she was ashamed. he left work and drove back home, his mind shifting to the thought of a certain blonde.


from the night they met he felt an attraction to him, but not just a physical attraction... well a sexual attraction. but on a deeper meaning. hyunjin couldn't quite express how he felt towards jeongin after all, it had only been two days.

hyunjin knew he had to have him as his own little slave to pleasure his needs when he wanted. that night at the bar he waited and waited hoping the petite blonde would return for him but he never did, so watching him enter his office made a light turn on in his brain. he knew he would make that boy beg for him, this was about to become a fun game.

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