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as the night went on the two boys gradually got more tired and decided to pack up their belongings once it got to around eleven o'clock. after spending their time talking about one another, eating and star gazing; they started getting ready to leave by putting away their belongings into hyunjins car - to which jeongin got scolded at for driving as it was like his 'child'.

jeongin decided at tonight was the most fun he had in a while, in fact the first time in months he had gone without worrying about little things. the way hyunjin listened to him talk and repeat old stories he already knew warmed his heart. he had missed hyunjin so much - from missing the way he pulled his hair up away from his face, the way he listened so intently, to how he called him such pretty names. jeongin was so happy to finally have his hyunjin back.

the drive back home was a comfortable silence, one that consisted of jeongins soft singing to the radio and hyunjins hand massaging the said boys thigh. everything about it was soothing in a way and very comforting. their relationship had gotten back how it used to be way back when no problems occurred bigger than jeongin being uneducated about hyunjins lifestyle and hyunjin still being unaware on how to act in a relationship.

"do you need any help?" jeongin asked in a soft voice once he got out of the car but he had noticed that hyunjin had already gathered everything in his arms and began to carry it all back up to their apartment. "carry the keys baby." hyunjin hummed as jeongin followed behind closely, getting the keys off hyunjin and locking the car door again for safety.

"you shouldn't be carrying so much stuff. you should be resting." jeongin said with a whine, trying to grab hold of somethings hyunjin was carrying but he shook his head and didn't allow jeongin to, insisting on being a gentleman. "who do you think i am? i wouldn't ever make my princess carry things that he didn't need to." hyunjin said half joking half serious, knowing that he did pamper the younger and would in fact not let him carry things simply because he treated him like a princess and wanted him to be preserved like that.

jeongin only rolled his eyes and pressed the button to call for the elevator, frowning at hyunjin who insisted on using the stairs like he normally did but the younger strongly disagreed as he never used the stairs himself and didn't want hyunjin either with so much in his hold. "are you happy?" hyunjin asked seemingly out of no where, glad to see jeongin smiling so beautifully.

"i am, why?"

"we've been through a lot so i'm just checking up on you little one." hyunjin said and whispered the pet name, leaning down to peck jeongins cheek, then his nose, before kissing his lips softly for a few seconds. the younger felt warm at his actions, glad that hyunjin actually acknowledged his feelings and soft that hyunjin was so cute.

once the two got to the door jeongin wore a small smirk, pretending to fumble around with the keys in his hand. "need any help princess?" hyunjin hummed from behind, watching as jeongin dropped the keys which made him giggle. his smile soon faded when the younger purposely rubbed his ass over hyunjins crotch, making sure to push a little hard on him. once jeongin got he turned to look at hyunjin up and down before opening the door silently.

hyunjin only rolled his eyes and followed after the younger. the apartment was pitch black besides light that was headed from their bedroom, the direction jeongin had headed almost instantly leaving hyunjin alone with the left over food and what not - causing him to groan. "yah jeongin you brat help me!" hyunjin whined but no answer. he had just assumed that jeongin was probably getting changed or something as he heard their wardrobe door open a few times.

"baby?" hyunjin called again, this time whilst he walked to the airing cupboard to put away the blankets and pillows they had brought out with them. but again, jeongin didn't reply. hyunjin shut the door and headed off to their shared room, his mouth hanging open when he had caught a glimpse of what jeongin had done.

"hey~" jeongin purred, sitting on top of their bed with his legs in the shape of a 'w'. his clothes were noticeably different from what they were only five minutes ago, now being so tight and sexy. jeongin wore a short black mini skirt, fishnets, a thigh garter with a heart and a white thin button up shirt with a black bralette underneath.

beside jeongin and his breathtaking appearance, there were candles lit up almost everywhere surrounding the bed (that were all in safe places), rose petals ontop of the bed and leading up to it and a bottle of champagne held inbetween jeongins thighs.

jeongin opened the bottle with a pop - luckily the cork not flying off and instead coming off into his head instead - and the bubbles rolled down the bottle. jeongin looked up at the older with pleading eyes and licked the bottle clean of any mess, this action making hyunjin go crazy.

"you really have outdone yourself today, kitten." hyunjin said with a smirk pulling off his shirt before taking a step closer to lean at the bottom of the bed over to jeongin. he took the bottle of the younger and grabbed a glass from the bottom of the bed and pouring them both a glass, "cheers to our future, and most importantly cheers to how loudly you'll scream my name tonight."


ok as this is coming to an
end i'm like so scared that
the ending isn't going to be
good enough because i'm
not gonna lie guys.... I HAVE
BOOK !!!! i just don't want to
disappoint yall :((( anyways
smut next chap finally.

- rin

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