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hyunjin was finally coming back - and this time it wasn't a dream.

everyone had noticed a difference in jeongin the days leading up to hyunjins arrival, everyone but jeongin. he had seemed happier but in fact was rather nervous to see the male again. questions popping into his mind like 'what if he thinks i gained weight', or 'what if he's realised i'm too boring'. rather silly things that hyunjin definitely wouldn't think like but that was just jeongin overthinking.

he was scared that whilst hyunjin was away he realised that their relationship wasn't that important to him and found someone else - someone even better then him.

"felix i'm scared, i look so ugly.. he can't see me like this- i-i look so tired and my eyes are puffy and- and-" jeongin got cut off by his roommate, his roommate that was sick of listening to jeongin mope around all day. "breath. jeongin just breathe.." felix sighed a little, rubbing the youngers shoulders as he looked at himself in the mirror.

jeongin actually looked the opposite to his thought, in fact rather beautiful that day. he was wearing a loose fitted hoode and some baggy jeans as he was too nervous to care for anything else, the style he was going for was more 'street' style so it worked. he had a small amount of eyeliner on to accentuate he already cat like eyes and a hint of glitter eyeshadow over the lid as it looked pretty in his opinion. his look was spiced up with jewellery and a cute little tote bag he had bought with hyunjin.

"you'll be late to work if you don't leave soon.." felix reminded him and that made jeongin feel a little nervous. he hadn't been to work in quite a while and was aloud time off as hyunjin had begged higher ups to let him have this month off simply because he wasn't well enough to even leave the house.

everything leading up to this day felt too nerve racking for him to be his usual 'happy' self.

"jeongin!" minho practically screamed once he saw the blonde walk through the office, leaping up onto his feet to give the boy a tight squeeze. jeongin felt pain in his arms from the tight hold but didn't make a fuss and instead hugged back. "i miss you cutie!" the older said and ruffled the boys hair before letting him sit.

"hey innie!" jisung said happily too, a smile plastering on jeongins face once he realised people had actually missed him. "you ok? felix said you weren't handing hyunjins absence well." the squirrel like boy said softly, not wanting to upset the boy who sat in front.

"ah.. i've just grown very attached to him i guess.." jeongin said shyly, looking down and fiddling with his fingers. "i hope you'll be feeling better today then, he's coming back!" minho said with a smile, patting the youngers back and focusing his gaze back to his desktop.

jeongin nodded his head and logged onto his computer, only having hyunjin in his mind and no one else. it was hard for the subject in his mind to not be about his boyfriend when he was getting eaten alive by his own thoughts, spiralling down and down.

he was an over thinker - and hyunjins absence only made him assume the worst.

the blonde trusted hyunjin for the most part, if not fully, his ownly doubts came from his own head. "shut up.." he mumbled to himself, trying to silence his busy mind.

"did you say something innie?"

a voice said and jeongin assumed it was just jisung or minho, but he thought for a little... that voice didn't belong to either of them. in fact, he knew that voice oh so well...


"HYUNJIN!" jeongin basically screamed, jolting out of his chair and jumping up onto the older, wrapping his limbs around the tall males body. hyunjin chuckled softly and stroked jeongins hair with one and and placed his other arm underneath jeongins body to keep him up right.

"i missed you so, so, so, sooo much." jeongin added, not caring if everyone was looking, if not he felt glad that everyone knew hyunjin was his and his only. "this doesnt feel real... jinnie please say something." the smaller whispered, almost begging to hear hyunjin talk again, he longed to hear such simple things.

"i love you princess. i missed hearing my whiney little baby. did you miss getting your own way all the time?" the brunette asked with a soft chuckle, walking off to his office still carrying the younger in his arms and sitting down with him on the couch in the room, jeongin still not moving one inch away (if not one inch closer.)

"felix never lets me get my own way." jeongin spoke with a cute pout, looking up at the older to accentuate his pouty mannerisms. "that's why i'm here. i'm sorry i was gone for so long..." hyunjin whispered, his eyes locking down at jeongins plump and now pouty lips - the brunette couldn't help but swipe his thumb against the lower one.

"please, kiss me." jeongin mumbled against the elders thumb, looking down at hyunjins himself and feeling so deprived of him. jeongin loved the others lips so much, how pretty and round they were - the feminine feature being something so adoring to him.

"i missed how needy you are." hyunjin mumbled as he leaned in closer to the smaller, closing the gap between them and bringing him in for a sweet and soft kiss.

a kiss that they had both longed for.

a kiss that they needed.

if hj is back in this,
please jype let our hj
come back :( stray kids
feels so empty with
out him. he would've
bodied kingdom, i
know he would've.
i miss him so much

- rin

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