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after an hour or so jeongin had finished the work that hyunjin gave him. he was already beginning to hate hwang hyunjin. half the stuff he was sent was things hyunjin could do himself in a matter of seconds. it was rather tiring that he was going to have to work such little jobs because hyunjin was too lazy to do it himself.

jeongin made way to hyunjins office and knocked on the door. he entered once he got hyunjins approval and walked closer to his desk. "i finished all that you've sent, is there anything else i can do before i have my break?" he asked politely.

"pass me that paperwork." hyunjin spoke in a low town, his eyes scanning the cute boy in front. jeongin furrowed his eyebrows. 'is he really that lazy?!' he thought, looking at the paperwork that was an arms length away from the other. but nonetheless he still got it for him.

he got on the other side of hyunjin desk and brought the paperwork to him, placing them down in front. "is that all?" jeongin hummed, the other male turning in his chair.

"there's one thing i would like." hyunjin started and jeongin nodded his head in response, "ah what would that- hey!" he squealed. hyunjin had pulled the younger onto his lap and held his wrists down so he couldn't escape.

jeongin tried to get up and gulped, their faces centimetres apart. "i find it rather annoying you can't remember me for last night. you promised me a dance yet i never saw you again." the male smirked once seeing.

"h-huh." jeongin wasn't too sure what hyunjin meant, if they flirted the previous night he was too drunk to remember anything. he thought about it hard and remembered a handsome man talking to him at the bar then his eyes widened. "i'm sorry! i was dru-"

he was cut off by the faint touch of hyunjins pointer finger pushed against his full lips. "shush." he uttered softly. jeongin could see why that girl got fired before him, he's such a tease.

"what's with these baggy clothes. how am i going to stare at your cute ass." he smirked giving jeongins ass a squeeze. the younger gasped and shot up away from him. "you're such a pervert!" jeongin crossed his arms and left the office in shock.

jeongin sat down in his desk and progressed what just happened with his mouth in the shape of an 'o'. "you look like you've just seen a ghost.." he heard a voice next to him making him jump.

he mouthed a small sorry and bowed a little in respect, "mmm no need to be formal with me, i'm jisung! looks like we're gonna be best friends you and me!" the boy said with a wide smile.

"i'm jeongin, and yeah looks like it if we're working next to eachother. i'm a bit chatty." he said returning the smile. they spoke nonsense for a while, getting to know eachother and what not. they continued their chat to their break, grabbing a snack together.

jeongin confessed about his problem with mr.hwang causing an eye roll from jisung. "they boys hot but he's a jerk. he has fucked all of his assistants, they come and go so fast. i've had to introduce myself to 10 different people in the two years i've worked here." jisung explained causing a gasp leaving jeongins lips.

"stay away from him.. really. but i cant tell you're gonna be here for a while so don't fall for his charms innie." his co worker spoke causing him to smile and link their arms. "we're going to be close hyung! you're so nice!" jeongin said cheerfully.

but it was hard keeping hyunjin out of his mind when he was that hot.

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