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jeongin woke up the next morning feeling a little achey, but somehow in their shared bed in the main bedroom. the blonde sat up a little confused, wearing one of hyunjins shirts and nothing else. he looked around for the elder but couldn't see him anywhere, sighing a little as he knew hyunjin should be resting.

"jinnieeee." jeongin called as he got out of bed, glad that his legs weren't hurting much from the previous night. he popped his head round the door and saw hyunjin asleep on the couch with cleaning supplies on him which made him chuckle - meaning he must've cleaned up the mess so jeongin didn't have to.

"wake up jinnie." jeongin said softly, moving the cleaning supplies out of the way and shaking his body a little to wake him. "hey" he whispered lowly in a tired voice, eyes fluttering open as he streched his body out a little, feeling all sore from falling asleep upright on the couch.

"join me in bed~" he whined slightly and tugged on hyunjins arm, noticing how he had taken his boot cast off of his leg. "i didn't know you could take that off yet." jeongin said still pulling for hyunjin to get up. "you know i'm fine now, i'm getting all the bandages removed in two days remember." hyunjin hummed in response, getting up and following jeongin back to their bedroom.

"ah that's good then." jeongin said before he crawled into bed straight away, snuggling up to the sheets and waiting for hyunjin to wrap his arms around himself. once hyunjin cuddled jeongin, they exchanged a few tired words before attempting to fall asleep again, but being interrupted by knocking at the door.

"isn't this familiar~" jeongin said with a giggle, hinting to to night before as got up out of bed to slip on boxers and to answer the door. on his way to the door he thought back to last night, thinking what they did was a little weird since it involved a stranger but overall he didn't care too much - all he had on his mind was hyunjin.

once jeongin opened the door he was greeted with a face he was least expecting to be there, a bag dung behind his shoulder. "chan.." jeongin said breathily, noticing that what chan had brought was what he had left at the olders appartment not long ago.

whilst jeongin and hyunjin were going through their rough patch, jeongin stayed at chans for a few weeks as it was somewhere he could find comfort at unlike random hotels or even felix'. chan was always someone he could rely on, but with the look on his face he didn't look too happy right now.

"lix told me you moved back in with him so i had to check up on you." chan said in a tone that made jeongin feel uneasy, he wasnt exactly harsh with his words but was surely blunt. although he was there out of true concern he was still rather annoyed at jeongin for so easily jumping back into hyunjins life.

"come in.." jeongin trailed, not sure wether chan wanted a small chat at the door or to stay for a while but nonetheless he still let him in. jeongin had forgotten about his attire until chan gave him a weird but friendly look. "you know you shouldn't be answering the door half naked jeongin."

jeongin on awkwardly smiled at chans words, instantly going back to when he was practically having an orgasm whilst answering the door the other night so wearing just a shirt and boxers wasn't too bad in the grande scheme of things.

"baby who's here?" hyunjin called from their room, loudly rustling about, probably getting changed jeongin asumed but soon shut down the thought when he walked into the kitchen/lounge with just his boxers on and lots of love bites. "ah. hyunjin." chan said in an unamused tone, his teeth grinding at the marks on his skin, soon noticing that jeongin too had some littered around his neck and even poking out from under his shirt on his thighs.

"do i know you?" hyunjin asked, walking over to the kitchen area where jeongin was stood, quickly pecking him on the cheek before getting out a bottle of water from the fridge and leaning on the counter.

the silence in the room after hyunjins question made the atmosphere feel thick. chan hated hyunjins guts, jeongin knew that and lastly hyunjin was unaware - all resulting in a mixed tension of confusion. "chans my friend, though you two never used to get on too well... friendly rivals." jeongin spoke up, trying to make himself sound jokey as he didn't want to lie and make out they were friends or say anything too bad to make hyunjin question anything.

hyunjin just nodded and gasped with excitement once he noticed that the pizza from the previous night was uneaten as... other actives were taking place, making jeongin chuckle at how immature he sounded and slightly grossed out at him eating the leftovers that weren't even put away.

"chan why are you here then?" jeongin asked softly, walking over to sit on the couch besides chan, trying to act like he was paying attention to him whilst he was staring at his half naked 'boyfriend'.

"i told you, i was checking up on you. frankly, i don't think you should be living here jeongin. the only reason you might be working at the moment is because he's lot his memory. this boy you're falling for again isn't hyunjin, it's hyunjin with no memory. as soon as he gains all of those thoughts he used to have back you'll regret that you even moved back in with him. he's no good for you innie... i should be the one looking after you." chan said quietly, looking over at hyunjin to check he was watching before taking jeongins hand into his.

"chan you can't say that." jeongin whisper shouted, not wanting hyunjin to hear and snatching his hand away. although he could agree, the older had been so horrible to him in the past, he cared for him too much to just let go of his feelings. jeongin mostly knew that chan was also just speaking out of selfishness, he had been in love with him for years and never got over him. chan wanted jeongin, but sadly, jeongin never wanted him back.

"you're so fucking stupid jeongin. you know, if he goes back to his old ways don't come crying back to me like you always do." chan said angrily, getting up and making hyunjin look over at the sudden fading of his voice.

"what's going on?"

"oh. the poor boy finally speaks. just because you lost your memory didn't mean we have too. you're a fucking price of shit hyunjin. you deserved to die that night, you would've done him the biggest favour ever..." chan started, almost spitting as he walked over to hyunjin with pure anger pumping through his body.

"the shit you've put that boy through... you're a disgrace. look at his arms, all those fucking scars of from you. all his problems root from you. yet he takes you back every fucking time! for what reason? i don't know. you took the only thing i loved away from me and ruined him. one day you'll pay for what you did properly, and not just with some shitty bandages."

the couple was left speechless - jeongin due to chan saying things hyunjin didn't know yet and hyunjin out of sheer confusion. chan knew he had left a big enough impact to leave and so he did, slamming the door on the way out which made jeongin flinch.

the two stayed in silence for a while, jeongin fidgeting with his fingers whilst he was still sat on the couch and hyunjin pacing trying to understand what chan meant.

"jeongin. what the fuck was that?"



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