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although hyunjin told jeongin to leave him alone, he still missed him like crazy. he felt as if he was going insane as all he wanted was the younger to himself, but every time he had the boy alone he treated him poorly and he knew that. it was becoming hard to maintain a healthy relationship when the only good part about it was the sex.

the connection the two used to have was slowly fading and hyunjin noticed how the blonde was becoming less and less interested in him by the day. jeongin was borderline obsessed at one point but now..? he had just become afraid of what would happen if he left him.

"pick up jeongin! fuck!" hyunjin shouted, throwing his phone down as the younger had left his call unanswered for the seventh time. he hated this, hated how he couldn't control jeongins actions whilst he wasn't there. he had to go find him no matter the costs.


"can you pick me up earlier?" jeongin spoke softly down the phone, wiping away his tears as he walked down the stairs from hyunjins apartment. he felt lost in his own home and didn't know where to go. his feet felt heavy, almost like he was just dragging them along as he was so sick and tired.

"innie what's wrong?"

"chan. please." jeongin sighed softly, knowing he would get in more trouble if hyunjin ever found out who he was with. the fact he was leaving the house already made him mad, he couldn't even begin to imagine how angry he would become upon seeing jeongin hang out with chan.

the older obviously said yes as he heard the pain in the youngers voice and left to go pick him up almost straight away. not long of waiting outside jeongin was greeted by the overly happy older who was sat smiling in his car - the smile soon fading once he saw a cut on the side of jeongins face and a red mark, almost in the shape of a handprint.

"oh baby what happened?" chan sighed, bringing the younger into his chest as soon as he sat down in the seat beside him. chat did well at comforting the blonde, stroking his hair and his face to soothe any discomfort he had. "you can tell me anything. i'm always here."

"h-he hit me.." jeongin trailed, still in shock from what had happened. this was the first time hyunjin had actually hit him. he was used to objects being thrown at him, hyunjin holding onto him too tightly and overall just being bellowed at, but he had never gone as far to hit him. well until tonight. ".. but i know he didn't mean to hurt me! i-i was the one in the wrong i upset him- oh shit he must me upset now... i should go chan. i've been an awful boyfriend. this is why he gets mad... because i'm so stupid and ignorant!"

this sight felt painful to chan, to see the boy he had been in love with for years turn so crazy in front of him, how he defended the guy who was abusive towards him because he was just so oblivious. all chan wanted to do was take jeongin for himself and see that beautiful smile again, not this, not tears rolling down his face and eyebrows in a line.

"what the fuck jeongin- i'm not letting you back there. hyunjin is a bad person. you need to leave baby.. stay with me. please." chan begged, a hand on the youngers to try and let him think of something else besides hyunjin. he hated how he could hear the boy mumbling about how great he was as if he didn't have a huge mark on his face from where he had been hit.

jeongin was hesitant but nodded his head and let chan drive away all whilst being silent, he knew he couldn't stay out for long but for now, staying with chan would make him feel safe. "thanks hyung."

"it's ok princess."

"p-princess? why.. t-that's what he calls me d-don't say that.. no. i need to go back! let me go!" jeongin screamed suddenly, it was like he was going mad, turning himself inside out because he didn't know the real reason to his pain. how he could never pin the blame on hyunjin, no of course not. hyunjin loved him so why would he ever hurt him.. that was never his goal right? wrong.

"jeongin stop it! i'm sorry just calm down i'm not going back there. he treats you like shit." chan sighed, reaching out to place a hand on his thighs to soothe his outburst of confusion and pain he was having.

"h-he might find o-out?"

"he won't. i promise."

but promises weren't easy to keep. and anyway, hyunjin stood in the parking lot with his hand in a fist and he watched the two boys drive down the road. oh how the sight of chan being anyway near jeongin made him furious. so furious the only answer was to get into his car and follow them.

- but that's normal right?


psycho jinnie alert


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