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jeongin woke up to a sharp pain in his head and the annoying ring of his alarm clock. "shit!" the boy groaned and quickly turned the device off, rushing to his bathroom to go shower and freshen up.

the whole reason he went out the previous night was because him and his friends were celebrating the fact jeongin got hired in a job that was well paid in a company he had been interested in in awhile, and well he might've had one two many drinks last night which would make his first day start off with a bad turn.

once he was all washed and dried he walked to his small walk in closet and put on a simple outfit for work. some straight legged jeans, a white shirt and an oversized blazer. he didn't have to dress too smart as his role was different to the rest. he popped on some circle rimmed glasses and fixed his hair in the mirror. he did look rather cute.

he thought to get breakfast on the way and left his house, catching the bus. he arrived on the street of the building and first went to a cafe to get a bite and a drink. he ordered a iced coffee and a chocolate muffin then left to walk the rest of the way.

the company was a well known modelling agency that he had followed for a while. he had always been interested in modelling but never thought he was cut out for it because of how shy he was. becoming an assistant he was able to see how everything works and if he really wanted to he could start modelling one day.

once jeongin got inside he signed in and found his boss who showed him around the place. he had already had a tour but his memory was a bit fuzzy so it was helpful to have another.

"normally assistants help lots of different people but i've been told you'll be an assistant to one person in particular, the ceos son actually. his assistant just got fired as the two had started a romantic relationship." choi tzuyu, hiss his college, explained.

"huh a relationship?" he asked, a bit curious. "yes. mrs. hwang fired her herself, as she didn't want her son mixing work with pleasure which is understandable. i do have to apologise as he is quite... stand-offish? he's rather obnoxious." she giggled, "that stays between me and you jeongin!" she added and the younger nodded his head.

tzuyu brought jeongin to the boys office and left him on his own. jeongin sighed and knocked on the door. "come in!" he heard and entered the room.

before he spoke he saw the others expression change to a smirk, "jeongin..." he started and the boy tilted his head. "how do you know my name- ah i'm silly you've probably already been told it." he said in a flustered way, adjusting his glasses.

"i'm hwang hyunjin." the male spoke. 'he doesn't remember me, wow, he must've been really drunk last night.' hyunjin thought and crossed his arms, leaning back on his chair.

jeongin thought the male was rather familiar, but he assumed he had just seen him model. "ah well is there anything you need?" he asked softly, fidgeting with his hands.

"hm not for now but i'll call you if i need anything. get started with what i've sent you. i tend to get a lot of things sent to me and would rather not do it so you can." hyunjin said and looked jeongin up and down, he looked intimidating.

'he looks so scary.' he gulped and nodded his head, turning to leave. "nice to meet you pretty boy." hyunjin said with a smirk. jeongin paused and looked back at him, "ah- nice to meet you too mr.hwang-" he spoke rather flusted from the others comment. once he sat at his desk he thought about what hyunjin said and gulped again.

jeongin wasn't sure on why hyunjin was so familiar. his words lingered in his mind. 'do i know him?'

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