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jeongin didn't know what to do, he screamed out for hyunjin but he had already fell... and it was his fault. the boy was frozen down into his spot until he gained the courage to look down at the older, his body sprawled out and blood gushing out.

"i did this to him- oh god" he sobbed before running out of the apartment as fast as he could, he needed to see him, he needed to see if he was ok. all he hoped for was that he didn't die, even if he was severely injured he just needed to know that he was going to be fine one day.

if hyunjin died, he knew he wouldnt be able to live knowing the reason he died was because of him. even if they were going to part ways, jeongin knew he wouldn't be able to just forget about him straight away - in fact he knew it would take years to get over someone like hyunjin, and if he died he would never be able to forget of him.

"MOVE! GET OUT OF MY WAY! THATS MY BOYFRIEND!" jeongin screamed, pushing his way past the huge crowed before he saw him.. his lifeless body. this was who hyunjin was now, was he even alive anymore? jeongin collapsed onto his knees and held onto hyunjins hand, crying his heart out at the sight.

"t-this is all my f-fault... i'm so sorry jinnie... i love you" jeongin whispered, feeling as if he had lost the one person he cared for the most. seeing how his beautiful face looked so peaceful with little to no scratches on, but the rest of his body... jeongin couldnt even bare to look at it.

jeongin heard loud noises of an ambulance siren and prayed that maybe they would be some kind of help to hyunjin, he was still in complete shock so maybe he was ok... but right now, he didn't look it.

the smaller wordlessly let go of hyunjin and let him be taken into a stretcher before following along into the back to stay with hyunjin. "w-will he be ok?" jeongin asked softly, his voice cracking and his whole body shaking.

"i'm sorry but we don't know yet."

"ah." jeongin replied dryly, so confused to what was actually happening. he wasn't even sure if he was dead, breathing or heathy. he knew that falling from a seven story building wasn't pretty, i mean, that's why he picked it... but for hyunjin to be in this situation, he couldn't bare to imagine it.

"i'm so selfish- this is my fault..." jeongin sobbed, confessing to the paramedic that sat in front of him, checking the unconscious boys heart beat and pulse. "what happened sir." the woman asked as she did her job, needed to comfort the blonde too.

"i was trying to commit and he saved me.. but ended up falling him self." he cried into his hands, not noticing the fact the older was being hooked up with multiple different mechanisms to make him better.

"well i have good news..." the woman started, "he's breathing, but i don't know when he will wake up."


i didn't want to leave
a huge cliffhanger so
double update although
it's a short one :)))
also yall made me realise
how similar a silent
voice is to my last chap
heidndk, i hadn't even
watched it till yall
pointed it out omg
( i watched it in like
2x speed bc i'm lazy)

- rin

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