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jeongin really underestimated the work load he would have received before joining hwang management. he thought he would just be assisting models and higher up co-workers. but instead he was stuck with the son of the ceo. the brattiest boy he had met. hwang hyunjin. he was the most successful male model in the company and would one day replace his mothers position when she retired.

he had no room to complain as he would either get fired or shouted at either way. insulting hyunjin was a death wish and he wanted to keep his job so he knew sticking around would be his best bet and maybe he would learn to tolerate the other.

"finally home." jeongin let out a sigh, flopping onto his couch to relax for a while but his peaceful thinking was soon cut short when he heard the familiar ringing of his phone. he sat up and answered the call, after panicking thinking he had lost the device for a few seconds.

"little jeong were going out tonight, you coming?" a boy said down the line causing a groan to leave the youngers lips. "again? i've just recover from my hangover and you want to go out again? lix come onnn, i'm staying in." jeongin mentality sighed, it was his fault for become friends with such party animals, "ill buy your drinks for the night!" felix begged and jeongin had made up his mind in a millisecond.

the boy shot up from the couch with a wild smile, "deal! if you don't, youll have me to deal with bitch." he chuckled and ended the call. jeongin was just as bad as his hyungs.

once it was time to leave jeongin checked himself out in the mirror and fixed his hair. he wore black jeans and a black shirt, keeping it plain and simple. he accessorised with his usual jewellery and slipped on a pair of shoes before heading out.

his friends chan and felix were outside in a taxi waiting for him, "what took you so look stupid!" felix whined and earned the younger to roll his eyes. "beauty takes its time. that's why you look like a mess because you rush everything." the younger said calmly.

the two bickered the whole ride to seungmins, chan staying out of it completely as he usually did. once they picked up seungmin they finally got to the part of town where it was just a strip of different clubs.

"ooh i say we stay up all night clubbing and go straight to work." seungmin suggested, felix nodding and chan only shrugged as he had an afternoon job. "guys really?" jeongin whined as he had only just started. he was soon persuaded and he ended up thinking it was a funny idea. they were all just young and dumb, but none the less, having fun.

sorry this is short but it's just
a feeder for the next chapter !
are you guys fine with smut ?
and if so detailed because i don't
mind writing it and i know it's all
of y'all's guilty pleasure. also
thanks for the reads ! even
though there's not many it's
still more then what i thought
so thanks guys <33

- rin ᵕ̈

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