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"oh baby. why the stutter? aren't you happy to see your boyfriend?" hyunjin said with a smirk and leant against the wall opposite chans apartment door. he had heard everything, every scream and every conversation. even the way jeongin begged for a kiss.

"i'm surprised you didn't fuck him. came all this way for nothing.. a bit of a waste really. but at least he got to touch your fucking body. you're body which belongs to me!" hyunjin shouted, pushing jeongin up onto the door and banging the wall beside them both, making jeongin jump.

chan had heard the noise and opened his door, letting jeonhin stumble in and his eyes widening at hyunjin being there. "w-what are you doing here?" chan stuttered, not wanting to deal with hyunjin as he had already been in a fight with him once, he didn't want another one.

"does that really matter? shouldn't i be the one asking why you're trying to fuck my boyfriend?" hyunjin said with a sneer in his voice, grabbing long of jeongins wrist and tugging him roughly, not caring about the yelp that left his mouth. "you're hurting me jinnie!"

hyunjin let the boy go and made his way up to chan, at first just to give him a dirty look but the way he looked at jeongin made him feel merciless. he couldn't help but to throw a punch to his face, multiple actually. watching how he bled from various places. "if you talk to him again. i won't hesitate to kill you." hyunjin whispered, turning back to a petrified jeongin who was stood in shock.

"who are you?" jeongin whispered, crying his heart out at the fact this man was no longer the one he once knew. oh how he missed the guy who would say stupid jokes and call him pretty. the most upsetting is the lack of the word 'princess'.

how he used to remember hyunjin saying, 'i call you my princess because you act so much like one. you always get your way and i'd do anything for you. you are my princess.' how those oh so cute conversations would make his heart melt but now? he couldn't even recognise who was stood beside him.

"let's go." hyunjin said, making sure to let jeongin know it wasn't a choice and in fact an order. the younger only nodded his head and tunrned back to chan who was slightly dazed on the floor, jeongin wanted to help him so badly but was so terrified of what hyunjin might do to him he had to leave with him. "i'm sorry channie." jeongin whispered, barely loud enough for himself to hear let alone hyunjin.


when the two got back home jeongin went straight to bed and hyunjin to the shower to clean off any blood that had been splattered on him. whilst he was gone, jeongin was attempting to think of anyway to leave without hyunjin being mad straight away or find out.

so jeonhin began quietly packing his bags, getting all his clothes into a few and the rest into another backpack. as soon as the shower was turned off, he put all the bags spread out, some under the bed some in the closet and one by the couch before hopping down into bed where he hugged his pillow, scared for hyunjin to come back in.

but what he had to do was necessary.

"jinnie..." jeongin said breathily, sitting up and walking over to him once the bathroom door was open. "i'm sorry about earlier. please forgive me... i have something for you." he whispered seductively, leaning in to lick behind his lobe before pulling back and walking back down to the bed.

jeongin lifted up his oversized hoodie and showed what he had underneath. a short little skirt and a pink panties that were visible from how short the skirt actually was.

"i could never be mad at my baby." hyunjin purred almost, lifting off the hoodie to see the smaller wearing a crop top alongside the pretty skirt. the older hadn't seen jeongin in such clothes in a long time it made him feel dizzy, the memories of when they were happy flooding his mind.

"you know what to do baby."

"yes master." jeongin gulped, obeying to what hyunjin liked to be called now. ever since their fights the older took a liking to the name 'master' probably as it showed who was boss and that jeongin was simply not in charge over him.

as soon as jeongin faced the opposite way to hyunjin his face dropped, that flirty and sexual expression fading to a scared one as he climbed onto the bed on all fours, arching his back to be ready for hyunjin. he didn't want this, he had learnt to hate sex, to loath the way it felt - but this was necessary.

"look who's already nice and streched." hyunjin said with a smirk, pulling out the plug jeongin wore with a small 'pop' and almost instantly forcing his cock in all the way. hyunjin had stopped preparing him now, and stopped with lube, making jeongin feel sick every time they fucked. it wasn't enjoyable one but, he felt like he was being ripped in half.

"please be more gentle hyung-"

"who the fuck do you think you're talking to?" hyunjin growled, grabbing a fistful of the youngers hair and pulling it with force. "s-sorry master..."

with a few sniffles and sobs later, jeongin hated to admit it felt good. it always did. but the pleasure never out weight the pain he received in a whole from hyunjin. he gripped the sheets and shut his eyes tightly, waiting and waiting for hyunjin to finally be done with his body.

he was sick and tired of just being treated like an object who hyunjin fucked just for his own pleasure, the only other times just shouting at him anyway. it made him sad that his life had gotten to this point. sex, arguments, sex, hatred, sex and pain.

jeongin remembered the first time they had sex... remembering how gentle the older was, and how the scent afterwards of cigarettes and sex lingered around in the air for a while. how he had realised how much he liked the scent.. but now? it only made him feel sick.


double update ;)


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