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hours had past and all jeongin could think about was those poor people in the articles. they looked so lifeless, battered and bruised, relying on hyunjin to support them as they walked. it looked terrifying.

"is he trying to do that to me...?" he asked himself in a mumble, hoping no one would hear him. "do what?" that was his voice. jeongin flinched and looked up at his boss with glossy eyes, not the usual gloss of the sweet little innie, but instead glossed over in fear.

how could such a pretty face do so much damage to another human. he walked around with so much pride. 'does he not care about all of those people he basically dehumanised,,' jeongin was lost in thought until he felt a hand on his thigh.

"jeongin~" the other called sweetly, the touch made him feel sick making him jolt out of his seat. "d-don't touch m-me! you're a monster!" jeongin said rather dramatically - everyone in the office block turning their attention from their mundane work and to the interesting argument between the newbie and the boss.

hyunjin watched jeongin run off to the bathroom and he looked at jisung with an angry expression. "what did you tell him!" he shouted and jisung only rolled his eyes, "he was going to find out eventually." the older said. hyunjin didn't quite understand until he saw a phone on jeongins desk.

'hwang hyunjins girlfriend sent to hospital due to bruises and physical harm from mr hwang himself.'

a smirk left jisungs lips seeing his bosses reaction, then he turned back to his computer. hyunjin had to restrain himself from punching jisung right there, but he needed to find jeongin first.

flash back to three years ago

"jisung you know i love you." hyunjin confessed during their usual hook up at hyunjins appartment.

"what are you saying" the other cringed and made hyunjin stop and get off him. "you don't love me. we just fuck from time to time. i work for your mom, i can't risk my job because her sons pretty." jisung said which shattered the others heart.

"you don't l-love me-" the younger gulped, "please jisung give me a chance." his voice began to break and he was chocking back the tears.

"for fuck sake hyunjin! i fucked you so i could get a better position at work ok! you were an easy target, any way you can't give me what i want. maybe this would be different if you weren't so boring and fucked me better, you're so vanilla and only care about pleasuring yourself." jisung growled and quickly got changed.

"what ever we had was nothing. anyway my place in the company is secured now, i don't need you." he said and left a broken hyunjin.

end of flashback

there was no one hyunjin hated more then jisung, the boy broke his heart and continued to fuck him over in his already shitty life. jisung was the reason he turned out like this, why he loved watching people cry as he fucked them so hard because he wanted to feel power, but in that moment with jisung he was weak. he never wanted to be seen as week again so he made sure he was always in charge.

but as the years went by it got out of control, he loved watching his partners in pain (obviously only if they enjoyed it to) and he started to leave hickeys and bites until they bled, so many rounds that they were incapable of moving - and a recent favourite - carving his name into their skin with a knife. but that wasn't all.

his sadist self got worst and worst the more times he had pain in his life, and that's all he was surrounded by. hyunjin had turned into a monster, it was true.

"jeongin! please i know you're in there. let me explain!" hyunjin shouted as he banged onto the toilet door. the younger finally opened up but kept his distance, "fine. explain how you beat up your partners." he said with an angry look on his face.

"you've got it wrong... i don't do it to hurt them- well i do but it's a sexual thing. we both enjoy it. i'm a sadist, i love watching someone in pain because of me and they like receiving the pain." hyunjin explained but it just creeped out jeongin more.

he looked terrified of hyunjin. "i-is that why you've been c-chasing me around. you w-want to hurt m-me." he said in a broken voice. "you want to watch me cry, become a lifeless body just for your own pleasure!" jeongin raised his voice gaining more confidence against the other.

"jeongin please. it's not that bad id only do it if you wanted me to, we'd start slow." hyunjin explain and jeongin stepped closer to him, looking up slightly when they were inches apart.

"i'd rather die before becoming your little sex slave." jeongin then walked away and decided to leave work that day, he couldn't face hyunjin.

yet after all of this hyunjin still felt determined to have him, "i'm not giving up. this will be a fun game..."

that was eventful lolz
anyway idk if this is
a flop or not but if ur
reading drop a comment
or two ! i want to see
if anyone's actually
enjoying this :))

- rin ᵕ̈

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