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as the next morning rolled around it was a busy day for the both of them - hyunjin going to the hospital for his last check up and jeongin was going for a job interview. "how come you didn't tell me about this sooner?" hyunjin asked softly whilst he was in bed, watching as jeongin was walking around the room getting ready with only a towel around his waist.

"i didn't think it was that much of a big deal." jeongin hummed as he styled his hair, curling it slightly to get waves and volume in it. jeongin was never the type who wanted to stay at home all day, in fact he often got bored easily and that's when a lot of his problems occurred was when he was doing nothing, so, he wanted to get back to work - having to get a new one as hyunjin was the reason for him quitting at his old one.

"it's a big deal to me!" hyunjin said with a huff, finding it strange that his boyfriend left out little details often but he was getting used to it by now. hyunjin could tell how obvious jeongin was used to being alone that even when with someone else he was still heavily reserved. "where's the interview at?"

"this cute little coffee shop not too far from here." the younger said, now getting up to choose an outfit. he dropped the towel to the floor and giggled softly as hyunjin watched practically drooling before slipping on boxers. "you're like a teenage boy who can't control their hormones. gosh jinnie keep it in your pants." jeongin teased as he looked through his wardrobe, pouting as he was stuck on what to wear.

jeongin through on a pair of baggy loose fitted jeans, a white t-shirt and a flannel before looking back at hyunjin and tilted his head. "is this ok?" he asked, mostly wanted to be comfortable for the day but still look cute. hyunjin got up out of bed and nodded, wrapping his arms around the youngers small body. "you look beautiful as always."

"and you smell. go shower stinky." jeongin teased, getting on his tiptoes to kiss the olders lips before walking over to get his phone and airpods. "you're so mean." hyunjin said with a big pout, pretending to cry but nonetheless still stripped off because jeongin was right, he did need a shower.

"well i'm going now so by jinnie~" jeongin called softly, running back to hyunjin to give him a big hug and kiss him once again. hyunjin smiled warmly as this action, finding him adorable like this, all cute and clingy.

"good luck angel."

and with that jeongin left, slipping on his shoes and getting his tote bag that was on the floor next to the door. he put in his air pods and closed the door happily before walking off to go to his interview. for some reason he felt weirdly positive about this day, that he was going to do well at the job and he knew he was planning something later. something for hyunjin.


"you're still not changed?" yeji complained, walking into the apartment with the spare key jeongin left out side for the girl earlier on. hyunjin only groaned as he was sat in his dressing gown, still not ready to leave as he couldn't be bothered to move.

"we need to be at that appointment in half an hour so get a move on dickhead!" yeji said and threw a pillow at hyunjin before walking back into the living room, sitting down on the couch to go on her phone as hyunjin was annoying her.

"sorry mom!" hyunjin teased and got up, slipping on a pair of boxers and wearing grey joggers and a white graphic tee. he walked to were yeji was and saw her giving him evil eyes which made him shudder. even if hyunjin was the older hwang sibling, yeji was the scariest and bossiest.

"and the child is finally ready." yeji said whilst getting up, already preparing to leave as she didn't want to be late for hyunjins check up, where as hyunjin was in the fridge eating left overs. "yah! hyunjin! we need to leave! you'd honestly die without me and jeongins assistance you idiot! now let's go!" the girl groaned, already frustrated with the boys idiocy. yeji sure loved her brother but sometimes he was such a scatterbrain she wanted to murder him, the boy lived obeying only his rules and agenda - making it rather frustrating to do literally anything with him.

once the two were finally in the car, yeji was beyond frustrated because she was convinced they would be late from hyunjin not listening to her at all, often saying: "it's fine we have plenty of time" when there was ten minutes to the appointment and the hospital was a ten minute drive.

they arrived exactly at quarter past ten, which was the exact same time his appointment was scheduled, therefor the two had to hurry up and get into the hospital before he had missed the appointment.

"told you we'd be on time."

"barely you fucking idiot."

"language baby sis."

"don't baby sis me you di-"

"hello are you hyunjin?" a doctor spoke, interrupting the arguing siblings and hyunjin just nodded his head before the two were guided into a separate room. although he was old enough, hyunjin didn't want to go alone and wanted jeongin to go originally but the younger refused out of guilt - so yeji going instead.

yeji was told to wait outside as the room was too small for all three and she wasn't needed present which made hyunjin pout a little like a child but nonetheless still went in, "how is he twenty four" yeji asked herself once she had sat down, picking up her phone to relief some boredom.

as she was flicking through messages she received a call from jeongin and answered almost straight away, putting the phone to her ear and greeting him kindly. "can you do me a favour as you love me so much." jeongin spoke cutely, making the girl roll her eyes but hum in response to see what he wanted.

"i'm planning something for me and hyunjin so could you keep him busy until six?" he asked politely, hoping that the girl would say yes even if she did tend to have a busy schedule.

"you know i'd do anything for you two. tell me what you're doing in detail then."


ok this is something i think
is really random. you know how
it was recently my birthday,
for a present my mom buys
me two classic books each
birthday. so this year i got
little women and dracula.
idk i just think it's a cute
thing we do in my family,
her mom did the exact same
with her so it's just cute i
love it skndodnd

- rin

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