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"get on your knees" hyunjin said firmly and the younger only tilted his head, "and why's that sir? shouldn't i go back to do my work..?" jeongin leaned against the back of the desk and licked his lips slightly, being confident in what he was doing so he knew he wouldn't back down to hyunjin anytime soon.

the long haired male smirked at the youngers use of the name 'sir' the way it rolled out of his mouth in such a way was hot to him, how even when he was trying to be in control he still was submissive by calling him sir.

"i want you to get on your knees for me and suck my cock like the good boy you are." hyunjin growled, finding it a little frustrating that the boy would usually comply in a second but today was acting a little different - making his own rules.

"why would i? ask nicely and maybe i will. you're being rather impatient mr. hwang, and i'm very busy today.. i shouldn't be having to deal with bratty people like you." jeongin teased, his hands making way to hyunjins tie and loosening the fabric to pull him closer, hyunjin being a lot lower down to him as he was sat so it made it look like jeongin was the one in charge.

"if you want it, beg." the blonde smirked and looked down at the usually dominant boy who was surprisingly enjoying to see this side of his jeongin. he loved to see the boy obey and listen but this was refreshing to see him try and take control and be dominant for once.

"i won't beg for you." hyunjin chuckled cockily, his eyebrow raising at the funny request he had received from his bottom of a boyfriend. the words only made jeongin roll his eyes and loosen his grip. "fine. then i'll be leaving." he hummed and turned around, making his way over to the door to leave.

"w-wait!" hyunjin stuttered a little, he was obviously desperate from the bulge he had in his pants and needed jeongin to sort it out for him, but this way was probably the worst for him. "please jeongin." he mumbled, trying to not seem so obedient.

"huh? what was that?" jeongin said unamused, his tongue clicking at the underwhelming 'beg' he received. it wasn't a beg, more like a subtle plea and jeongin didn't like that one but.

"baby, please. just suck my cock, i'll do whatever you say, please..." the older said a little desperate, giving up his dominant image and just going with whatever, he wanted jeongin too badly to not give in and he knew how bratty he got to never give up.

"good." he smirked, walking away from the door and standing in between the olders legs. jeongin liked the feeling of having hyunjin did as he said, it was amusing and some how made him feel powerful. "strip then. i can't do everything for you jinnie-ah" he said with a raised brow, noticing how the older flushed a soft pink at his words.

a submissive hyunjin, hm?

hyunjin didn't want to give in but eventually sat up, taking off his belt first and then unbuttoning his pants before pulling them down. as jeongin and him were now at eye level, the younger paused him from removing his boxers and connected their lips into a wet and heavy kiss.

some how jeongin had taken control off the kiss too, one of his hands snaking down hyunjins body to palm at his already hard cock. the older groaned into their kiss, his lips moving slower as jeongin moved his hands, getting more out of breath as he did so.

"is my jinnie a switch or are you just acting like my little bitch today?" jeongin smirked, tugging down hyunjins boxers and he spoke and sat him back down on his chair. the brunette only rolled his eyes and ignored his words, not sure himself if he was too lazy to argue back or in denial.

jeongin lowered himself down onto the floor, getting onto his knees and sat himself right in front of hyunjins legs, making sure to spread them wider so he could get even closer. "no answer? guess your just a little bitch then." the blonde said with a smirk, but soon his eyes glossing over from being dominant to cute and innocent. the way hyunjin watched his duality felt unrealistic to him, how jeongin could switch that fast - he found it rather interesting... and hot.

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