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relationships were a hard thing to comprehend to someone who never really had them before, the concept of sticking by someone for as long as you loved each other seemed nearly impossible. you had to act good and be respectful, but why? just to please someone else? pointless... well that's what hyunjin thought.

the thought of a relationship grossed him out, he didn't understand why people needed to put labels over things and thought it was well, unnecessary. although hyunjin wasn't a fan of relationships he couldn't imagine anyone else touching or even looking at jeongin with out making him mad. in his eyes the boy was his, he owned him, but he still could never bring himself to think about calling jeongin his boyfriend.

hyunjins feelings for said boy were scrambled really. he wasn't sure whether it was a case of extreme lust or maybe something blossoming into potential love. all he knew is that when he was with jeongin he didn't need anyone else but him.

even though, when they were together all they did was fuck, sure there was cute moments but nothing overly special. their relationship was consumed by lust that it was hard to separate them from being 'friends with benefits' rather then being 'together'.

"jinnie" jeongins sweet voice called out from the olders bed. he looked so pretty once he had just woken up: his messy hair, half lidded eyes, covered up in hyunjins hoodie and swamped by the soft duvet.

"what babyy?" hyunjin replied back from the bathroom, getting ready for work whilst the younger lay in his bed whining for his touch. "i want to cuddlllleeeeee!" jeongin said rather cutely making hyunjin pop his head round from the bathroom door to look at his 'baby' wrapped up in the sheets with an adorable pout on his lips.

"i wish i could but i need to leave soon... you make me feel so guilty." hyunjin sighed and walked over to sit down on his bed, scooping up jeongin and placing him down in his lap. the boy smiled and instinctively wrapped his arms around him, snuggling up to his neck. "i have office work and online calls today so you could come with me if you want? cuddles all day!" the brunette whispered into the youngers ear, he was soft for him.

"really!" jeongin said happily, getting off hyunjin to get dressed. hyunjin couldn't help but smile, he thought the other was so incredibly beautiful that his heart ached - yet he would never admit it to him. "why are you so happy to go to work? i mean it's your day off it was only a suggestion..." hyunjin said, rubbing the back of his neck slightly.

jeongin walked back over to him now fully dressed in jeans and simple shirt yet still looking like he had poured tonnes of effort into his outfit. "because i'll be with you, of course i'd be happy." he said softly and lifted up hyunjins chin, planting a soft kiss on his lips whilst being stood in between the tallers legs.

"wait are they my clothes?" hyunjin asked a little puzzled once they had finished kissing, wondering where the younger had pulled the outfit from. "no, i brought my clothes over here like a two weeks back. i can't go home or go out wearing clothes i've already worn or not look good." jeongin said rolling his eyes playfully, resulting in hyunjin to pull him closer and hug his stomach (as jeongin was still stood up.)

"that's my little princess." hyunjin mumbled slightly, earning back a soft smile from jeongin who had realised in that second how much he had fallen for the one wrapped around him so gently.

sorry for the short chapter
:/// but goodnews ! i got
a new phoneee !!! anyways
ty guys for 5k reads lots
of love :))))

- rin !

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