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( a/n ) i suggest listening to the
song apocalypse by cigarettes
after sex with this chap :)
the song probably won't line
up with the chap but it's just
to understand the vibe more !

some people don't believe in love - heck - hyunjin used to be one of those people long ago. someone who just believed in the intimacy of sex but not the feelings between the two people, for him love was just something someone made up in books and movies to fabricate how perfect life could be for somebody. and although hyunjins life was no where near perfect, he had found the love of his life.

the said love of his life was looking beautiful as ever, swaying his hips softly and slow dancing on his own as they played music on the small speaker in the corner of the room. jeongin was wearing only underwear and one of hyunjins dress shirts that was roughy buttoned up and draped on one shoulder.

the song 'apocalypse' played and was one of jeongins recent favourite, the slow and passionate mood making him feel something every time he listened. the song bringing him in a space that made him think of hyunjin each time, although their relationship was rather messy sometimes, the song went well with their more intimate moments.

hyunjin sat on the couch man-spreading with one arm draped around the back of the couch and the older other holding a cigarette in his mouth as he watched jeongin. the younger was feeling himself really, although a glass of wine in one hand the other was running itself up and down his body and he danced - feeling the music resonate with him.

in this moment, the older could feel only proud at himself for landing such a beautiful boy. everything about jeongin in this moment felt unrealistic, that he was so perfect hyunjin was shocked he could be so happy with someone. he had finally gotten to a point in life where he didn't feel the need to constantly be out or doing the most fun things in the world when some of the best nights was when it was just him and jeongin having fun in their apartment doing the most random things.

"you're tipsy~" hyunjin chuckled watching as jeongin was practically falling over his feet yet moving so effortlessly and sexy. jeongin only shrugged and continued to sway his hips in time with the music, taking more sips of his wine. currently, jeongin felt a lot older then his age of twenty instead feeling like some kind of married couple with hyunjin in how secure he felt in their relationship.

hyunjin loved to see his boyfriend like this, singing so beautifully along to the music and entertaining him. the elder had always loved to hear jeongin sing, in fact suggesting he did something down the career path to do with music knowing how much he loved to sing and sometimes even write. although he always said no, jeongin knew it was his dream to become known for his voice but was too shy to do so.

"and you just can't say goodbye.." jeongin sang softly, placing down his glass of wine down to plop himself of hyunjins rather welcoming lap, as if it was asking for him to sit there really. hyunjins free hand snaked around the males waist, the other arm resting around the back of the couch to keep the cigarette away from the boy - although blowing smoke into his face teasingly.

jeongin rolled his eyes but leaned in and planted a soft kiss on hyunjins plump lips, his kisses trailed to his ear where he nibbled the love softly before singing the line "your lips my lips... apocalypse." breathily in his ear, making the elder smile and move his head to kiss jeongin again, this time making this kiss a lot longer and well timed with the passionate song.

once they pulled away jeongins eyes fluttered open, those pretty orbs staring back into hyunjins. the elder loved jeongins eyes, how they sparkles as if he was looking up into the stars, how they gleamed as if the whole cosmos was apart of them. "what.." jeongin whispered, getting shy at how hyunjin was staring at him like that, in a way it reminded him of the first time they met - how he couldn't keep his eyes off of him.

"you. you're perfect." hyunjin stared, leaning over to extinguish the cigarette held between his fingers, pressing down the lit end onto the ash tray. he then placed his now free hand on jeongins side - mirroring the placement of his left hand - before moving them up underneath his shirt to stroke his skin comfortingly.

"you're my everything. you're sweet and warm, knowing how to make me calm after a long day. you're hand squeezes and a shoulder to lean on. you're warm hugs on a rainy day. you're the love of my life... you're my comfort and most importantly you're my home."

jeongin couldn't help but smile softly at hyunjins near enough confession, besides the occasional 'i love you' hyunjin wasn't one who rambled on about his love for the younger unlike jeongin who before bed would list his favourite things about hyunjin or whilst they were having a normal conversation somehow intertwining the fact he loved him endlessly but for hyunjin to say such a beautiful and poetic thing, it made his heart flutter.


"i mean it, your presence has impacted me so deeply. i'm convinced that if i never met you, i would permanently feel empty. i love you so much my little one." hyunjin whispered, still maintains eye contact with a now tearing up jeongin. the younger had never been told such beautiful words, and he knew they were meant with the sheer amount of emotion wrapped in hyunjins voice for him to say such things. hyunjin never spoke like that, in fact was more short with his speech but those words were beautiful.

jeongin was speechless, holding back tears as he didn't want seem so pathetic but hyunjin had to make those tears fall. "i bought this..." the said with a soft smile, pulling out two boxes and handing jeongin one. the smaller opened the box hesitantly and instantly began crying as soon as he did, happy tears of course. the box displayed a beautiful ring, one jeongin had been wanting to buy for such a while but refused to as it was too expensive as he rarely ever bought anything for himself anymore. (a/n the ring hyunjin bought innie irl.) as jeongin was about to thank the older he saw a little note slip out of the box, and so he unfolded it and began to read.

'you've had your eye on this
for a while and i missed spoiling
you so here. i hope for you to
wear this forever and that
every time you look at it you
think of me. this ring is a sign
of our promise, that as long as
we wear these rings we
promise one another to love
a precious love. i will never
hurt you again baby. i love you.
- your jinnie <3'

jeongin gasped and looked at the older and embracing him into a tight hug, resting his head on the olders chest once they pulled away. hyunjin showed the younger his ring, one that was practically the same besides a few minor details. the older slipped the ring onto jeongins finger and the same with him before cradling the boy in his arms.

"i want to grow old with you jinnie... i need you. i can't live my life without you beside me. life is meaningless unless you're here." jeongin sobbed cutely, the long haired male wiping the boys tears and repeating 'shh' in a whisper to sooth his tears. hyunjin nodded his head holding the boys hand in his and smiling. "i'm not going anywhere baby."

when you're all alone
i will reach for you
when you're feeling low
i will be there too


nearly finished guys :(
the last chap will be a
long one, although not
a huge dramatic ending
it will surely soothe
your heart :) i hope you
love it.

also this is my favourite
chap i've ever written <3

- rin

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