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after many rounds later, to say both boys were exhausted was an understatement. jeongin was promised a second round only to revive many, many more. the younger was lay on hyunjins bed, sprawled out and incapable to move. "jeongin need anything from the ki- ah" hyunjin paused, looking down at the blonde who had now fallen asleep. he chuckled a bit and stood up, slipping on a pair of boxers before walking to the kitchen.

the time on the clock read '03:23' making the olders eyes widened a bit. "we were at it that long... wow." he rubbed the back of his neck and half smiled, amused at the night he had. he got out a bottled water and leaned on the side, silent in his own thoughts. he had drank half of the bottle and made way back to his bedroom after a few minutes of thinking. hyunjin glanced over and the sleeping boy and sighed a little. he picked jeongin up and took him into the bathroom, walking light on his feet so he didn't wake up the boy. he cleaned him up and brought him back to his bedroom, cringing at the dirty sheets.

hyunjin carefully placed the blonde down on the couch at the opposite end of the room and got to stripping the sheets. after a few minutes he had put on fresh sheets and let out a small sigh as he felt tired too but he knew he couldn't complain when jeongin was barely able to move without aching. he picked jeongin back up and placed him down on his bed under the sheets and tucked him in a little.

the brunette felt stressed at this moment, he often did after sex. he over analysed everything and told himself he was a shitty person. "i'm sorry it was you i wanted." he spoke softly, talking to the sleeping blonde boy. hyunjin knew jeongin didn't want to be apart of his 'lifestyle' but he had somehow still dragged him in. that was his charm. he could get who ever he wanted so easily but that came with guilt. so much guilt. he knew jeongin thought he was gross, so he hated that he was so persistent on having him - but he still couldn't find enough power to let him go either.


the silence was engulfed by the small noise of a lighter, hyunjin watching the flame before putting it to the tip of the cigarette hanging out of his mouth. he opened up a window and exhaled the smoke feeling like a small weight had been lifted. he knew smoking was bad for him but it was the only thing that truly relieved hyunjin. he looked back over to jeongin and chuckled a little, they were opposites and he found it amusing. jeongin was cute and bubbly and everyone liked him. as for hyunjin he was cold, scary and people thought he was a jerk. opposites do attract then.

the morning came, abruptly waking up both by the announcement from hyunjins alarm clock. "turn it off" jeongin whined into the olders chest, nuzzling into his skin. hyunjin nodded and replied with a "mhm" before turning the sound off. the two lay in each other's presence, limbs tangled and all. hyunjin had his arms protectively wrapped around the youngers small frame, the so called younger was nuzzled up to hyunjins chest wanting warmth.

that's when it hit him.

jeongin sat up and looked down at the other, surpassing a groan as his whole body ached. "what is it?" hyunjin asked softly, moving jeongins bangs out of his eyes - which only resulted in the boy to flinch and move away from the touch. jeongin had let the previous night sink into his head and he didn't like it. 'why was i so stupid.' jeongin thought and got off of the bed, blushing in embarrassment when he realised he was naked. he quickly put on his boxers that was on the floor and began to pick up the rest of his clothes.

"why you in such a hurry princess, get back into bed." hyunjin called out lazily in his morning voice. it sounded so intoxicating to jeongin but he knew he couldn't fall for his charm a second time. "i'm going home." the younger said sternly, resulting in hyunjin to sit up with a small frown. "stay." the brunette said simply and tied back his hair, pulling out a few strands at the front.

"hyunjin, no. can we just talk about this another time." jeongin spoke in a weak voice, his body felt like it was about to break in half. he knew he needed to rest and maybe getting back into bed with hyunjin was the best option, but that would be giving in to the temptation that was hyunjin. he winced a little once he bent down and the other got up out of bed, wrapping his arms around the smallers waist. "come on. you should rest baby." he spoke so smoothly and it made jeongins heart flutter.

"n-no! i'm not your baby...!" the blonde pushed hyunjin off him and started to put his clothes back on. he just wanted out. "what the fuck do you mean!" hyunjins voice raised a little - he couldn't understand why his little jeongin was putting up a fight when he wanted him not so long ago. "i mean i'm not yours hyunjin... last night was a mistake i'm sorry." jeongin gulped and saw the olders expression change to a scary one.

hyunjin slammed his hand down on his bed side table and stared down at jeongin with anger in his eyes. "you could've fucking told me that before you begged me to fuck you, huh? what was going through your mind when you asked me to kiss you?" hyunjin said putting emphasis on the 'you', jeongin gulped as he knew hyunjin was right, he was the one who begged for it all but suddenly wanted to take it back. "i don't know.." he looked down at the floor and felt a harsh grip on his wrists suddenly. "no tell me you little slut. did you just fuck me for fun huh? i don't like little bitches and you're starting to act like one so tell me why." hyunjin growled and jeongin felt the grip tighten.

the younger shut his eyes and felt them tear up, "i-i said i don't know...." jeongin choked out, trying to not let hyunjin know he was crying. "I SAID FUCKING TELL ME!" hyunjin shouted causing jeongin to jump and look at the older in fear. hyunjins expression completely changed when he saw the tears rolling down jeongins face. "you're hurting me." the blonde mumbled and hyunjin let go of his wrists, seeing he had left a red mark around them.

jeongin quickly finished getting ready and walked to the door, turning back around to look at hyunjin who was frozen in his spot. "i'm sorry... last night was amazing but i'm scared of you, even more now..." the boy paused and wiped his tears away. "and i'm scared of what i might become if i stay doing this with you. goodbye hyunjin." jeongin walked out of his room and left the house soon after.

once he got home he collapsed into the floor in front of the mirror and couldn't help but let the tears flow down his face. "why did you let him do this to you." he sobbed and looked at his reflection, staring at the bruises that littered his skin.

i feel like this chapter is messy
but this is my second time
writing it so i cant be bothered
to write it again. this was
supposed to continue smut
from the previous chapter but
i didn't want to rewrite it all
again so sorry for that as well,
anyway this is where the story
really begins so enjoy !!

- rin ᵕ̈

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