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the taste of strong liquor burned jeongins throat once he downed a shot that one of his friends bought. there was four of them sat around a fairly large table in a booth. they were ordering drinks to their table as neither wanted to go to the bar on their own or crowed there all together.

jeongin was the youngest amongst the group and had only just became of age to legally drink so he wasn't the best at stomaching alcohol yet. although he tried alcohol in his earlier years he never really got drunk, this was his first time properly drunk (legally anyway..)

"i need to go to the bathroom." the boy stood up and walked over to find the bathroom and got lost. he didn't need to go he just wanted to freshen up, but stumbling around the club with shaky vision wasn't the best way to spend his time. he sat down at the bar with a thud on his seat, "oops" he mumbled and asked for a glass of water in attempt to sober himself up.

jeongin hated being alone in a setting like this as he was an attractive boy who got lots of attention. his blond locks were soft, small strands of his bangs resting on his forehead covering his eyes oh so slightly. he was five foot seven with a petite frame and had a tiny waist for a male. he wore tight leather pants that hugged his hips and ass perfectly along with a loose fitted white button down. the article of clothing was done up messily showing off his bronzed collarbone and his soft skin, decorated with various different necklaces along with wearing other accessories.

"had a little too much to drink hm?" jeongin heard a males voice and shifted a little to turn his head to look over at the boy. "yeah i guess. it's my first time properly drunk." he spoke softly, not properly looking at the other and let the corner mouth of his mouth turning upwards into a smile. jeongin looked so innocent, his eyes twinkled and his goofy smile was contagious. yet there was something about him that felt mischievous.

the younger took another glance at the stranger and almost widened his eyes. the boy sat next to him was gorgeous. jeongin felt a warm blush creep onto his face as he continued to stare at the male.

"first time drunk? how old are you then... ?" the male paused hinting for jeongin to state his name. "yeah i turned 20 the start of february. oh! and my names jeongin nice to meet you." he smiled and took a sip of his water.

jeongin studied the others face in admiration. the male had shoulder length brunette hair that was tied half up half down, reminding him of eren jaeger from attack on titan which was his favourite manga. perfectly pulled out strands of hair rested on the others face, that face was so symmetrical. jeongin felt blown away looking at him. he wore black skinny jeans with a turtle neck and a leather jacket, many accessories dressing up the outfit as well.

"ah i'm 23 as well but soon turning 24 next month." he hummed taking a long sip from his drink. "the names hyunjin. nice to meet you pretty boy." the nickname made jeongin look away with a small blush, luckily the lighting of the club made his pink cheeks not noticeable.

before jeongin could utter a word back he heard a familiar voice call for him, "innie yah!~ weve been looking around for you." his friend felix whined earning a groan from the other, seungmin, "you're so clingy hyung." the boy said with a straight face and disappeared into the crowed which made jeongin chuckle and chan just sighed at the usual behaviour amongst the youngers.

his close friendship group was rather... messy. felix and jeongin were both loud and weird, seungmin often shouted at them or playfully insulted them. the three young boys were only months apart and were a strange trio. but chan, the oldest, balanced them out well. he was like the mother or their group. often helping them or putting them back in order.

jeongin turned and looked at the stranger, hyunjin, and gave him a warm smile. "hopefully i see you later hyunjin." the sentence was rather bold for a shy boy like jeongin, yet he wasn't phased from the amount of alcohol he had drank. he walked away to the dance floor with felix and enjoyed the rest of his night, with a certain long haired boy on his mind.

hi ! i'm aware this will
probably get no reads but
i enjoy writing so that's
not a bother to me ! but
if you are reading this
comment a hello :)))
enjoy <3

- rin ᵕ̈

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