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jeongin had missed this so much.

the way hyunjins hands caressed his body so softly, praising him almost with his eyes and how he looked up at the boy. hyunjin knew exactly what to do in order to make the younger feel loved.

the way hyunjins lips touched his skin it felt like sparks hit at the same time, how he would softly suck at all of jeongins sweet spots - the spots he had memorised so well.

the way hyunjin whispered sweet nothings into the boys ear, the nicknames 'princess' and 'baby boy' always being the most used.

the way hyunjin was so delicate with his body whilst doing the roughest of actives one did with their partners, especially the way the older liked it.

"i know you missed me little one, now beg for me." hyunjin growled into his ear, the words slipping out so roughly it made jeongin shiver slightly. he had missed this kind of intimacy way too much.

"please jinnie~" jeongin begged simply, but the whine in his tone of voice making hyunjin give in immediately and pull off any clothing jeongin had on, leaving him sprawled out naked and looking beautiful in hyunjins eyes.

"you're so obsessed with me jeongin it's sad." hyunjin hissed.

"you're so worthless without me here... look at you, even your body is worthless with all those scars."

"i don't love you. i never did." hyunjins harsh words repeated, jeongin covering up his body and sobbing. nothing made sense.. "i'm never coming back for you."



it was a dream.

jeongin woke up. alone.

this dream had been a reoccurring one the bast few weeks. hyunjin praising his body and stripping him naked until he saw his cuts, he looked at him disgustedly and showered him with hatefull words and comments.

the one hurting the most, the one being hyunjin saying he's never coming back.

jeongin lay in hyunjins bed, as he had the keys to his apartment this is where he came to be alone and sob for hyunjin. sure he did that at home anyway but felix always interrupted him with his pity and frankly, jeongin just wanted to be sad in peace sometimes.

he was wearing hyunjins favourite hoodie and his cologne drenched into the fabric, sniffing it almost every five minutes just so he remembered what hyunjin smelt like.

"oh. please be up jinnie..." jeongin whispered, a slight frown on his lips once he read the clock, the time being 2:46 am, he hoped hyunjin was still up as he was missing him a lot. well he missed him loads and had been for the past few weeks but every time hyunjin popped into his dreams and shouted at him, he needed to hear the real hyunjin speak to him calmly and lovingly.

"princess?" the screen was dark on hyunjins end and hyunjins voice deep probably from being woken up.

"ah- did i wake you?" jeongin asked, placing his phone down on the nightstand beside him, propping up the phone so hyunjin could see him as it was a face time call this time.

"yes but it's fi- have you been crying?" hyunjin tone switched from soft to concerned almost instantly, the older switching on his lamp as he spoke and sat up in the hotel bed he had been staying in.

jeongin hadn't even noticed the fact that he had been crying, he gathered he had either cried in his sleep of his face was still tear stained from crying himself to sleep. "i didn't even notice.." he mumbled, leaning close to the screen to look at himself and wipe his tears away.

"i miss you little one."

"i miss you too."

comfortable silence filled the air, hyunjin admiring how pretty jeongin looked whilst wearing his hoodie and jeongin admiring how hyunjin looked whilst sleepy.

"i fucking miss that body of yours too..." hyunjin mumbled, eyeing up jeongins small frame that was pressed against the beds headboard. although jeongins hoodie was long, it didn't cover the boys pretty thighs and hyunjin was such a sucker for them.

"jinnie ahh!" jeongin giggled softly, watching as hyunjin was practically drooling over his body, no his thighs. "i don't have anything on show what are you even staring at!" the younger added, a teasing smile hitting his lips as he pulled the fabric up of his hoodie teasingly. he had been wearing panties from earlier simply because he was taking some pictures that were supposed to be sent to hyunjin but none looked good in his opinion.

"are you trying to tease me over the phone?" hyunjin chuckled whilst raising a brow, but the more jeongin showed of his pretty body the more he lusted for him. jeongin was now on his knees showing himself off, turning on his side to give hyunjin a sight of his perky ass.

"it's working though isn't it? i know you're turned on just looking at me." jeongin said rather confidently. he had been lacking confidence recently but as soon as hyunjin was present he was straight there being back to his usual confident self.

hyunjin smirked a little and bit his lip at his boyfriend as he always found it hot when jeongin acted in such a way. "baby.. i have an idea." hyunjin hummed, feeling horny now that he had seen jeongin and a quick wank once the call ended wasn't going to satisfy him enough.

"hm?" the younger replied simply, sitting back down on the bed.

"you're at mine so you have all the stuff... why don't you play with yourself for me." hyunjin said with a slight smirk, trying to contain himself as he loved watching jeongin playing with himself - he himself could control himself to not want to touch jeongin but the younger was much needier and wanted constant touch so to watch him struggle on his own sounded amazing to him.

"h-huh?" jeongin gulped a little, hearing what he said clearly but somehow finding it a little overwhelming as he had never done such a thing but he liked trying new thing with hyunjin and maybe it wouldn't be too bad. sure jeongin had still been masturbating and what not but it didn't feel nearly as good without hyunjin.

"you heard me princess. do you want to? i won't force you too, my pretty." hyunjin spoke delicately and jeongin melted into his words, nodding his head as he was curious too.

"okay, what do you want me to do jinnie.."

ok so i've changed
the layout of the chaps
n prefer this so yeah
also this is hot ;)


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