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"jeongin? what are you doing here..?" felix asked groggily, rubbing his eyes and looking at the time on his phone which read, '3:47am', a late time to just be randomly popping to your friends house anyway. felix hadn't been seeing the younger recently due to him moving out a couple months back and ever since then he became quiet, a little too quiet.

the way jeongin looked, felix could tell he looked different. he was stood anxiously and kept peering over his shoulder as if he was being watched. the younger had a bag slung over his shoulder and another in his hand as if he was about to stay over. the australian only looked at the boy with a confused look but nonetheless still let him in.

"jeongin what's wrong?" felix spoke again as he was ignored the first time but was cut off by jeongin franticly shutting and locking the door, hands shaking and eyes bloodshot - something was up and felix didn't know what the fuck to do.

there was something different in jeongin the past months and yet no one said anything. after jeongins release from hospital and moving in with hyunjin, everyone assumed they were fine.. but then the youngest quit his job, stopped seeing his friends and eventually cut off contact with everyone.

sure his friends were worried but they thought maybe it was just a mental health thing, that he just needed some time alone with hyunjin as they all trusted him... right?

"JEONGIN?" a voice bellowed from the other side of the door, the boys eyes widening and him running off into somewhere in the house to hide. felix only stood scared, confused to wha the hell was going on and to who was behind the door.

"I KNOW YOU'RE HERE.. FELIX LET ME IN!" the voice said, now banging on the door violently. felix felt a little shaken up by his name being called and looked through the peep hole on the door, eyes widening that the man behind the door was hyunjin.

felix ran off to go find jeongin who had hidden in the olders wardrobe, covering himself in clothes to not be seen. "felix let him in but do not tell him i'm here. please." jeongin whispered, so desperate it hurt felix to hear. and so he did just that, he walked to the door with an arm that was shaking and let him in.

hyunjin burst past, pushing felix out the way to find the younger in an instant. he needed to find the boy straight away as he needed him after all.. but this state was terrifying. the way hyunjin looked so angry and desperate just to find jeongin made felixs skin crawl.

"what the hell is going on hyunjin."

"tell me where he is."

"where who is? jeongin? hyunjin i don't know what you're on about.. tell me what the fuck is happening now or get out of my house!" felix had began raising his voice, having enough of hyunjin bossing him about in his own home when he was still put in the dark about everything. nothing made sense. to felixs knowledge, the two were in love and had no problems. but this? this was far from what he had pictured.

"jeongin. i know you're here. i watched you walk in." hyunjin growled, ignoring felix and continued to search around the place.


* two months ago *

it hadn't been long since the two boys had made up, in fact only a week or so and everything was going perfectly. hyunjin whispering sweet nothings to the youngers ear and jeongin loving the feeling of his warmth. the two we're finally back at a stage where they were ok again.

"jeongin you know i mean what i said the other day.." hyunjin hummed softly, rubbing the blondes temples soothingly as they lay down embracing each other's warmth. nights like this were perfect, and jeongin was scared that soon things wouldn't be the same.

jeongin was becoming scared of the future, that things may not always be perfect with him and hyunjin. oh how he hoped it was... but he had a feeling that one day their relationship would collapse. he hated thinking it but the thought stuck in his mind.

"i'm sorry jinnie.

"what for princess?"

"i'm sorry to if we ever part in the future."


hey guys. i get that this
may be a little confusing
at the moment so if
anyone needs me to explain
just comment !! also the
next chapters and so on will
continue from '2months ago'
until said to clear up any
further confusion!

besides that thanks for 40k
besties !! i love you all !!

- rin <3

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