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the day was almost over but the fun hadn't stopped just yet for jeongin and his friends. they had reached their third club this night and were planning on heading to many others. the youngest was beyond drunk and had flirted with so many people, kissed so many people and grinded on many people.

"woah isn't this like the sixth guy hes kissed tonight?" chan gasped a little looking over at jeongin with wide eye, nudging the two others. "yup. horny little shit." seungmin shrugged and knocked back a shot. "he used to be out little innocent jeongin... no he's still a baby in my eyes." felix said proudly.

"you might want to change your opinion on that." seungmin snickered and pointed at the youngest. he had his head rolled back, some random guy giving him hickeys, grinding on eachother whilst they were still facing one another. all in the middle of the room.

"oh my god." felix turned around and gagged, "that felt illegal to watch." he grimaced and chan only chucked. "he's defo gonna leave early and fuck a rando." seungmin added before hopping off towards the bar. seungmin was a heavy weight and drank until he felt tipsy. where as jeongin had only five shots and a few cocktails and couldn't walk in a straight line.

as the night passed hyunjin felt frustrated and could only think about fucking jeongin. he wasn't sure on why he was so set on the pretty assistant but he was like a tiger catching its next meal. for hyunjin he was the tiger and jeongin was his prey.

he knew it was unrealistic for jeongin to pop out of no where so instead he decided to just go to a club, find someone and take them home for a one night stand.

he was already in a suit from work so he decided to go in that. ditching his tie and unbuttoning his shirt along with rolling up his sleeves to make his attire look more casual.

hyunjin arrived at his favourite part in the city. it was where all the fun happened and it was full of pretty people. for hyunjin it was easy to take home who ever he liked. he was bi so he had a chance with nearly every body there and well no one ever rejected him as they knew who he was or thought he was beautiful.

although he craved sex, one night stands never filled all the gaps. hyunjin knew he couldn't do completely what he wanted to why random people as he would be called crazy or their sex would be too kinky for a random hook up. so instead he had to keep it fairly vanilla, he was still rough though as he hated soft sex. his biggest turn on is watching a partner struggle to walk because of him.

hyunjin walked into his favourite club and sat at the bar, scanning the room. he tried to find any potential people to fuck and wasn't really interested in many which made him frustrated. he took back a few shots and sighed as the liquor burned his throat.

"where to start hm." he mumbled getting up to at least have some fun first. for hyunjin waking onto the dance floor was interesting, people swarmed him trying to rub against him, kiss him or simply dance with him. he was beautiful after all.

that's when he spotted him. his blonde hair was messy, his skin was glossy with sweat and body looked so fuckable in those tight jeans. jeongin.

"what a coincidence hm." the brunette thought, making his way over until he saw other male get their first. watching jeongin get pushed up to a wall kissing someone else made his blood boil.

hyunjin walked up to the two and waited for their kiss to stop. "so back to my place?" the guy insisted and jeongin ignored him with wide eyes. "hyunjin! what are you doing!" he pushed the guy off him and bowed a little to his boss.

hyunjin gave intimidating eyes to the other which made him leave, the attention going back to the younger. "i should as you the same thing. partying on a work night." to that jeongin laughed. "ok so are you dumbass." the drunk words left his lips which made hyunjin raise his brows.

"what did you say." he growled and backed jeongin against a wall, his hands going either side of him so he couldn't escape. "i called you a dumbass. now let me go i was just about to get laid but you ruined it." the younger whined.

hyunjin furrowed his brows at the younger and rolled his eyes. "you sound stupid. how much have you had to drink..." he sighed and jeongin only giggled. "welll i cant actually remember, all i know is that i'm a lightweight."

this fucked up hyunjins plans.

sure he was a sadist, but he wasn't a monster. hyunjin couldn't fuck jeongin like this, he could barely stand and talking advantage of his state would be gross.

"let's get you to bed." hyunjin sighed again and walked with his arm around the younger. after a long time of small steps they finally reached his car, getting jeongin to sleep was all he could think of so he drove them back to his.

hyunjin wasn't one to be nice, so this was pushing his boundaries yet jeongins face made him not care and instead he was happy to help the drunk boy. "we're here." he announced to a now sleeping jeongin. he rolled his eyes and picked him up, carrying him the whole way to his bed and plopping him down.

due to the was hyunjin put him down jeongin shot up and scared hyunjin a bit. "shit jeongin- you're awake... you need some sleep so go back to bed." he mumbled and took off the others shoes.

hyunjin undressed himself in the bathroom and changed into loose pyjama pants before walking back into his room to see a naked jeongin facing the other way.

"woah what the fuck!" hyunjin said with his eyes widened. "i sleep naked." jeongin replied simply and got into the others bed. the younger drunk was actually frightening. he was unbelievably confident and would do anything with no shame.

"what you scared you can't control yourself?" he chuckled and hyunjin sighed, getting into bed the other side. his bed was big enough that they wouldn't touch but it was hard not to when he had such a hot guy next to him, who was also naked.

"fuck sake jeongin at least wear boxers." he groaned, but jeongin was already asleep.

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