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oh how jeongin had missed this.

the was how hyunjin was so assertive and dominant, yet so soft with his body. he had missed what it felt like to be told what to do and how naughty it all made him feel, but once hyunjin bent down and pulled a hoodie over his body that's when it settled in he'd have to go talk to someone else in his current state.

"c-can you not take it out for a second?"

"baby we don't have time, go answer the door before they leave." hyunjin whispered, shooing off the younger as he turned the toy off, a slight smirk on his lips as he watched the boys quivering legs as he walked. an occasional whimper slipped from his lips and hyunjin could just imagine how desperate jeongin was for a small moan at each step know how it would move inside of him.

the younger but down on his lip harshly, his legs pressed feeling weak but so did his body from the nerves. "hi, pizza for two, right?" the man sad politely once jeongin opened the door, the blonde only awkwardly nodded but his silence made hyunjin less satisfied - therefor, grabbing the remote and turning the vibrator back on which made jeongins eye widen as he let out a little yelp.

the delivery guy only looked at him weirdly and jeongin awkwardly smiled back, "w-we payed already right?" jeongin said as normally as he possibly could without slipping out a moan. although the setting was so low, jeongin couldn't help but feel sensitive at the feeling.

the guy nodded and went to hand jeongin the food but noticed he looked a little weak to hold it all as there was a lot of food ordered. "i'll bring it in if you don't mind, you look a little weak yourself. are you well?" the guy asked, jeongin nodding to let him in and lead him to place it just on the kitchen side. "y-yes i'm fine- i just have a.. cold." he replied awkwardly, still trying his hardest to not make any noise that was obvious.

as for hyunjin, he upped the setting and got up out of his seat, walking over to stand by jeongin and put a hand around his waist. "ah what's that noice innie? is that the fridge again?" hyunjin asked jeongin who seemed a little confused, hyunjin turned to the guy and chuckled. "you see, our frige keeps making this vibrating noise which gets a little annoying some times." he hummed, a hand slipping up jeongins hoodie and too his ass - pushing the toy up a little further making him gasp.

"thanks for the food, you must need a sleep, you look tired babe." hyunjin said and bowed a little to the worker who had soon caught on to what was going on here, the further he got in the house the more he smelt the scent of sex and the obvious state of the younger - messy hair, trembling legs, loads of hickeys, vibrating noise and all. "ah well enjoy you're night! i'm leave now...!" the guy said before quickly leaving and shutting the door behind. as soon as the door shut jeongin let out a rather loud and height pitch moan, one that would've been heard all the way down the hall.

"j-jinnie you're so c-cruel!" jeongin panted, leaning over the counter top and biting down his lower lip. "i needed to cum jinnie- that whole time!" he whined loudly, reaching down to touch himself but his hand was soon swatted away and replaced with hyunjins. the elder leaned on the back on his body, pushing his bulge into jeongins ass and taking hold of jeongins cock, softly stroking it as he bent down to kiss his neck.

"do you need to cum now baby?" hyunjin asked in a soothing tone, licking and sucking over his already brusied neck. jeongin just nodded his head in response yet cried out at the feeling of the faster vibrations from hyunjins control. "y-yes hyung." jeongin whimpered so cutely in the others opinion, the sheer amount of desperation in his tone sounding so hot to the elder, in fact turning him on more than he already was.

"cum for me then." hyunjin instructed and sooner than ever jeongin had did exactly that, cumming all over both himself and hyunjins hand, a little over the kitchen side they were leant up against too. "so obedient to me" hyunjin chuckled, still pumping on jeongins cock and making sure to not pull out or even stop the vibrations yet. he pulled his hand away first, bringing his fingers up to jeongins mouth who gladly sucked, not caring if his mess was covering them - in fact he knew hyunjin liked it when he ate either of their cum.

"you look so pretty like this." hyunjin praised, loving to watch the half lidded boy lick away any remaining cum and suck so preciously on his fingers. jeongin moaned against his fingers, feeling so happy to hear more praising - especially being called pretty.

"h-have i been good?" jeongin panted out once he had too hyunjins fingers from out of his mouth, needed to know if hyunjin would let him pleasure him yet. hyunjin nodded and pulled away from the youngers body, walking away wordlessly, and sitting back down on the couch with his legs spread a little and his joggers and boxers resting mid thigh. jeongin followed soon after, still with weak legs, and almost rushed in between the olders legs when he saw such a thing.

for a few seconds he just stared in awe, staring at hyunjins cock and how much he had missed it. how big it was and-

"stop drooling and suck it you fucking idiot." hyunjin complained, grabbing a fistful of the blondes hair and shoving his head closer. hyunjin had made sure to keep jeongins vibrator on, turning the setting up the the max whilst he was giving him head as he wanted to see jeongin tremble beneath him and possible cum a few more times too.

"j-j-jinn-nie." jeongin moaned softly, looking up at the older who was getting more and more impatient but as soon as he looked into jeongins eyes his expression softened, he knew he was making the boy over stimulated but he loved seeing it. watching as jeongin transformed into a wreck was beautiful.

"suck it." hyunjin said still with force, but more softer than before. jeongin only nodded and wrapped his right hand around the base and the other hand placed on his thigh to keep him balanced before leaning down to suck at his tip first, a sigh of relief leaving hyunjins lips as he was finally getting touched too.

the further and further jeongin took in his cock the harder it got, trying to subdue a moan and shaking on his cock... it was more then difficult. yet hyunjin loved the feel of it. each twist and moan sending vibrations down his body and feeling better than ever.

eventually jeongin was getting used to the high speed and giving head, despite the cum rolling down his thighs from cumming a second time jeongin was doing well, and so was hyunjin from how well he was feeling too. hyunjin remember sleeping with other people from years back, remembering how when they sucked it dick it never felt that good but jeongin? jeongin had some kind of tallest, making sure to do everything he liked just to please him.

"baby i'm close." hyunjin moaned softly, his head rolling to the side and his eyes shutting tightly. he still had a hand tangled in the boys hair, occasionally pushing it down to hear a choked out gag but mostly just moans against his cock, and the sloppy noises from jeongins mouth.

jeongin could feel when hyunjin was about the cum, feeling the twitching of his cock in his mouth he pulled away and took both hands around the base to pump it whilst he sucked the tip so delicately. "open your mouth." hyunjin growled lowly, pulling his head back off his cock to make sure his mouth was ready and then he came - cumming all over jeongins face, mostly in his mouth but watching as it dripped down his chin and nose made him smirk heavily.

"what a good bo-" the older was cut off by a loud and strangled out moan from the blondes now raw throat as hyunjin watched him cum again, chuckling slightly as the boy cumming for a third time in a row. he could see how visibly tired jeongin was so he turned off the toy and leaned down to pull it out of his ass, with a slight pop and a sigh of relief.

"w-was i g-good?" jeongin panted as hyunjin wiped the cum off his face with tissues that were beside the couch, gagging a little as he looked at how much mess the two had made: on the floor, on the couch, in the kitchen and on each other. "amazing princess... now come cuddle me i know how tired you are." hyunjin said softly, feeling too lazy to clean anything just yet and wanting to sleep straight away.

jeongin whined a little, hating to sleep in such a first way but he felt too weak to even argue back, so he wiped them both down roughly with tissues before pulling hyunjins clothes up and climbing back into his lap. jeongin shut his eyes almost immediately and fell asleep not long after, leaving hyunjin awake to just admire the boy in front of him.

"i like you innie. i'll love you back soon i know it."


im so tired it's
half one rn 🧍‍♀️


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