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and so the two were back to normal again.

weird how sex could form and solve their problems.

jeongin was wrapped in in hyunjins sheets, the familiar warms of how comfy the material was and that scent he had began to love. the mix of cigarettes and sex lingering through the room as cum rolled down his thighs and drool down his chin - legs still shaking uncontrollably.

the blonde had missed this, missed the feeling of what it felt to be so heavily dominated by hyunjin that it brought tears in his eyes, that he was so rough that his skin was red from all the slapping and pulling. jeongin was so in love with all of hyunjins ways that it was intoxicating..

he remembered the days where he compared hyunjin to a 'monster', hating the look of what he did to other people. he always thought that those images looks terrifying and that he never wanted to end up in such a way but now? now jeongins begging for it. he craved more. he wanted hyunjin to use him like some kind of toy, he wanted hyunjin to use his body just for his own pleasure. jeongin no longer cared how badly things might hurt him, in fact, he wanted that feeling of pain. he needed it.

"you still awake baby?" hyunjin hummed, turning around from leaning out of the window with a cigarette freshly lit in between his fingers. "mhm. i feel to gross to sleep." jeongin said with a chuckle, hinting to the fact he was basically lay in a mix of both of their cum and it wasn't too pleasant.

jeongin got up, his legs still weak so he held onto the side table, and walked to hyunjin wearing a small pout. "help me clean up." he whispered with a slight whine and leant onto the elder so he didn't collapse onto the floor. hyunjin lifted his chin up, sucked in smoke and blew it into jeongins mouth. the younger just did the same, inhaling it then exhaling it out into the air, lightly smacking hyunjins arm.

"i've always wanted to do that, it's hot." hyunjin mumbled, after he stubbed out the cigarette he placed his hands on jeongins waist and placed his lips on his neck - kissing his skin so softly. "let's get you all cleaned up then, ok?"

the older picked up jeongin, of course the blonde letting out a squeal, and brought him to the bathroom and placed his body on the countertop by the sink. hyunjin turned on the bathtub and pored in bubbles and what not to make the water less boring.

"i love you jinnie. you're so good to me you know." jeongin hummed cutely, looking up at the taller with his eyes sparkling as he admired hyunjin. he found the older just so perfect, how he never failed to make him feel good nor skip after care. hyunjin never did anything for himself and their whole relationship worked so well because hyunjin was just so thoughtful for the younger.

before jeongin, hyunjin hadn't even imagined having a boyfriend like the younger - his partners before were just strictly sexual partners but jeongin? he found himself falling deeply and madly in love with him. from remembering every little detail about him and always putting him first, hyunjin knew that jeongin was the only person he ever needed in his life and he'd never let him go.

"oh my little fox.. you're so cute." hyunjin smiled softly, scooping the boy back up and plopping him into the tub, roughly in the middle so there was still space for him too. hyunjin slipped off his boxers and got in behind jeongin, his arms snaking around his waist and pulling him closer.

"i love you too you know...

baby promise me one thing...

never scare me like that again ok?

because if i loose you, then i've lost myself too.

you're my everything.

i cannot even begin to imagine this world without you..


my beautiful baby..

my bratty little princess..

you're the boy i've fell in love with so stay with me innie.

promise me that."

jeongin couldn't help but slip out a tear, his head rolling back onto hyunjins shoulder as he tried to pull himself together again. he hated crying in front of the older no matter how many times he truly did, every time he just felt stupid but right now.. he felt safe. like it was fine for him to cry, he was just being vulnerable. hearing hyunjins words just made his heart shatter. 'how could i ever leave him?'

"i promise"

i love this book
but i'm enjoying
before i go more
atm. what's your
guys' fave book
out of the two?
mine is probably
before i go simply
because i like the
poetry in it :)))
and if you haven't
already read that
then what are you
doing besti 🙄🙄

- ur fave author rin :)

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