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"can we start over?"

hyunjins words repeated in jeongins head over and over, analysing what he said. wasn't it too late to just start over? he had already felt so many emotions because of hyunjin, he couldn't just simply forget them all and start again. "h-huh? start again?" jeongin looked up at hyunjin, no longer having his face pressed against the others chest. the taller rubbed the back of jeongins neck and nodded his head, "let me do this properly jeongin. i want to be good, i want to be able to love. i want to do anything and everything i can just for you." it felt so surreal to jeongin that someone would want to do such a thing for him, in reality hyunjin was only saying he'd try and be a good partner but to the younger it was so much more. jeongin had barely felt love; from his parents leaving him alone and his incapability to trust anyone, he had only ever been loved by his friends and although that felt amazing... sometimes it was never enough.

"you'd do anything for me...?" jeongin asked quietly, tears still falling down his face slowly. he was completely under the olders spell and he had no clue. how he could feel like shit one second but once he embraced by hyunjin and felt safe, felt like he was truly happy again. "i don't think you understand how much you mean to me. ever since i first lay my eyes on you i knew you were the one i wanted. i like you a lot princess." the older said tenderly, the words rolling off his tongue so smoothly. jeongin felt his heart beat quicken and butterflies grow in his stomach. this was the one thing he had craved to hear all his life, someone actually wanted him.

jeongins face looked so innocent: his mouth slightly ajar, his eyes twinkling, his skin so soft, his head turned upright to look at hyunjin... he was beautiful. "you mean it?" the blonde said with a small sniffle, earning a nod from hyunjin who was now wiping away tears from his face. "so, let's start over then." the brunette said and unwrapped his arms of the younger, who wobbled slightly at suddenly being let go off. hyunjin smiled and held out his hand for jeongin to shake, the other held out his hand too and lightly shook his hand.

"hi i'm hyunjin."

"hello.. i'm jeongin."

they both stared into eachothers eyes and the younger chuckled a little bit, he found it a little silly but he had never seen hyunjin like this, he was actually really cute when he wanted to be.

"i know this is crazy because we just met but... can i take you out on a date? you look way out of me league but i couldn't miss an opportunity like this with the most beautiful boy i have ever laid my eyes on." hyunjin said with such a bright smile it made jeongins heart melt, he was so cute! the blonde rolled his eyes a little at hyunjins words but his eyes soon sparkled at the mention of a date, the boy had never been taken on a date, well he had never been on one at all. "a date... really?!" jeongin exclaimed and nodded his head which made hyunjin chuckle. the older was mesmerised by jeongin, he was so adorable it was unbearable. everything he did was so cute that he couldn't help but watch him with such admiration.

"oh!" the blonde began, breaking hyunjins train of thought. "i should probably go back to work..."

hyunjins promise had come true fairly quickly as jeongin was rushing around his apartment getting ready for their date. it was only 2pm and the blonde had already started to get ready although he was getting picked up four hours later at 6pm; but it was his first ever date, you couldn't blame him for being excited. ever since hyunjin had asked him on a date he had been bubbly as ever, only ever thinking about the long haired male and where he would take him. hyunjin kept the location a secret which only made jeongin imagine perfect date scenarios which made his head feel like it would pop out of his chest. to the boy, a perfect date was something not so flashy. he hated: fancy restaurants, expensive trips, formal settings and anything that cost way too much. he felt like hyunjin was the type who enjoyed those things though being so rich and born into that extravagant lifestyle.

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