Speaking of Loyalty

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Before Thanos and the Tragedy

"I just don't understand how you gave Pepper, Rhodey, and My best friend a suit before me!" Mary Jane scoffed at her dad. She was two years older now, her and Peter were both in their junior year, still together of course. After that day, the day were Tony apologized, he really did try and be a better dad. Mary Jane and him were closer than ever and she had never been more happy. Pictures of Tony, Peter and herself were all over the walls of Mary Janes apartment.

"I thought he was your boyfriend." Tony challenged.

"Yes he very much so is but he was just my best friend at the time you gave him his suit." Mary Jane replied.

"Well Peter has powers already so the suit is really just there to keep his identity a secret, and to enhance said power."

"Well Rhodey doesn't have powers and he still got a suit."

"He's a Lieutenant Colonel, military man. He gets one for protecting this country." Tony joked.

"Okay what about Pepper!" Mary Jane said, stopping in her tracks making tony stop as well. They were walking to Mary Janes car, she was about to go home for the night.

"Well her's is mainly a safety precaution. She doesn't actually fly it anywhere and doesn't use it to stop bad guys." Tony smirked.

"Well shouldn't I have one then, for safety reasons of course." She challenged.

"What would you even want, like a spider themed iron man suit?"

"Honestly I don't care. Just a suit would be nice." She said.

"Okay. want to see it?" Tony says turning to his left walking down the hall.

"Wait- see it? Do you have a suit already??"
She said catching up to him.

"Yeah." He tapped a few buttons a key pad which revealed a secret storage container like thing. "Hope you were on board with the whole spider theme." It was a red and black iron man suit, the the arc reactor core being in the shape of a spider. It wasn't as bulky like Rhodey's.

"You like it?"

"Woah, how long have you had this?" She said not looking away from the suit.

"Couple months. Now by giving this to you I'm sure it will set me back a few points on the most mature parent of the year award but at least I'll win father of the year in your book."

"It would be incredibly irresponsible for you to give this to me." She looked at him smiling.

"Exactly why there are some rules with this. Number one, this is purely for protection and occasional joy rides. But only if the protection is necessary. You see a shooting, you run and let Peter or I deal with it. Don't put yourself in danger just to use it okay?" Mary smiled and nodded

"Number 2, break rule number one and I'm taking it back. You know I will. I took Peters suit away remember that?"

"I do, he was really upset."

"Do you agree with these terms and conditions."

"Of course."

"Okay good. Tap the center three time, it breaks down into a little bracelet. It's nanotech you see." Tony tapped the suit and it shrunk down, into a bracelet with a spider charm on it. "Yank on the spider with your middle finger and thumb and the suit will morph itself on you. Got it?"

"Yeah, holy shit dad this is so cool."

"Yeah well, safety only right?"

"And occasional joy rides." He cracked a smile. She put the bracelet on, the little spider chain dangling. "Did you make the bracelet to match my necklace." She had a spider necklace that Peter had given her once. She wore it religiously.

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