Apology to Dear Mary Jane

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             Before Thanos and the Tragedy

"So you two are like dating now? Great now I'm going to be the third wheel to everything." Mary Jane and Peter really did try and keep their relationship a secret, not wanting to make Ned uncomfortable. However Flash had caught them holding hand under the desk in Biology. Whoops. He then told anyone he could that 'Penis Parker' was 'screwing' Mary Jane.

"Well Ned I mean we have been together for a good month now, have we made you uncomfortable?" Mary said, hand intertwined with Peter, best not to hide it anymore.

"Well no. Just don't make me feel like a third wheel. Maybe I can ask out Michelle and we could go on double dates! I mean she is pretty hot." Ned said confidently.

"I think she'd say no." Michelle appeared behind Ned out of seemingly thin air.

"Ahhh Michelle I- I meant Michelle T. Not you of course." Ned said trying to cover his confession up.

"Yeah she'd still say no." Michelle said flicking his shoulder. "Here," she said turning to Mary and Peter, "I saw you too being all lovely dovey at lunch today and sketched it." She said handing Mary Jane a piece of paper. It was a rough drawing of Mary Jane laughing at something Ned had said, and Peter just looking at her with a big grin.

"Awww this is really cute, Michelle! Your really talented."

"Eh well this weeks project for Drawing 2 was love themed so I needed to do it anyway. Speaking of that I need it back to turn in, then you can have it." She said giving Mary Jane a wink grabbing the paper from her hand. Michelle and Ned than started to talk amongst them selves.

"Hey your uh, for the stark internship," their code word for Mary Janes dad, "I- I'm supposed to go to the tower tonight, something about upgrading? You want to come with?" Peter asked.

"Tonight? Well- he told me he and I were going to have dinner. Maybe we can all three go out then." Mary Jane replied. A little hurt that her dad made plans with Peter as well.

"Does he know about... us?" Peter said smiling, he still couldn't believe that they were actually together.

"No not at all. Not that I think he'd be upset but I just don't want him to act weird around us, you know?"

"I thought you posted pictures of us- like kissing on your Instagram story? That picture you really liked. I think it was good too." He said sheepishly smiling; remembering her taking that picture.

"I did but my dad doesn't know how to use Instagram. He pays a person to run his account. I bet you he doesn't even follow me." She said giggling. Peter laughed with her. "He's an old dude he should be on Facebook or something. But yeah I love the picture it's so cute. Your the greatest photographer but not at all photogenic. I'm glad I got that picture, first nice one in a long time." She said laughing putting her head into his shoulder. He laughed along with her.

"Well I'll make sure I won't say anything about us then." Peter said still giggling, remembering all the very awful photos he has of himself.

Swinging to the ex-avenger tower, the now Stark tower again, Mary Jane wondered if Tony really would have dinner with her. She really did love him, she loved that he tried to be in her life, but he was way to cautious with her or just didn't have the time.

"Hey kids," Tony shouted from one of the balconies waiting for them. "I was hoping the three of us could have dinner, oh and Parker give me the suit so I can upgrade it. I got some cloths waiting for you in the bathroom." He said helping Mary off the ledge and onto the balcony.

"Okay sweet thank you Mr Stark!" Peter turned to Mary about to kiss her but than stopped himself, remembering Tony was there. "Er- see you in a sec." he said instead giving Mary Jane a fist bump. Then running towards the bathroom at the end of the hall.

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